Jan 30, Feb 13, 27, Mar 12, 26, Apr 9, 23, May 7, 21, Jun 4, 18, Jul 2
Thursdays, 12 2.5-hour Zoom Sessions
6:00-8:30pm CDT

Special Sessions: Thursdays
6/11 6-7pm Council Process
6/25 6-7pm Scripts, Learning Report
7/9 7-8:15pm Scripts

Session 10: Wisdom in Action
Convening & Collaborating in Virtual Space

1. Homework/Preparation

2. Collaborative Convening Assignments
- Google document < current
- PDF < current

3. Review Art of Convening Aspect Videos:
- Aspect 9 Commitment to Action
- Art of Convening book, Chapter 0

5. Partner Calls
please calendar to connect with your partner
Share what has been the impact of convening in your life and work.
Share your expectations for what you will give and get from the T3.

1. Engaging the Whole Mind Whole Person
2. Exploring the synergy of Art of Convening and On-Purpose Leadership
3. Acting through the power of purpose in action