CPL Success Stories
Embracing Change
"We are grateful for our partnership with CPL. Our team was able to sit down with the CPL team – experts in convening – and together discuss the challenges we face, identify our opportunities and script a plan to enhance our public convening techniques. The outside perspective CPL brought to the discussion was invaluable and paired with their knowledge of professional interactions with the community, we were invited to see things in a different light and make fundamental and necessary changes to how we engage with the public."
Related blog post: A Client Success Story
9 Steps to Collaboration Training
"We realized our organization needed to shift its culture rapidly and reached out to CPL to help. Twelve of our global leaders engaged in the Art of Convening 9 Steps to Collaboration virtual training enabling them to participate from locations around the world. The seven sessions of teaching, collaborating, and presenting case studies were powerfully engaging, with full and enthusiastic participation. Outcomes include meetings that changed dramatically to be more inclusive and collaborative, which have led to efficiencies of delivering stated meeting outcomes, cross-functional relationships and renewed alignment to the organizations vision."
Related blog posts: Effective Meetings 101, Advancing Your Convening Skills
Coaching Leaders
Craig's coaching was invaluable for establishing an ongoing collaborative of health care CEOs from Minnesota dedicated to working together to improve health care. Using “art of convening” principles, Craig helped to plan the first few meetings and establish a safe and trusted environment. By the 2nd meeting, the participants signed a pledge "to collaborate on specific and persistent problems that cannot be solved by any individual entity or solely through competition.” Currently, the collaborative is focused on the role of health care organizations to respond to the opioid epidemic and to improve the mental health system.
Related blog post: Lessons for Leadership
Stakeholder Engagement
"We called in CPL to convene several stakeholder meetings over the past year, both within our organization and across multiple constituencies. They consistently guided us in creating a shared vision and laying a firm foundation for action. At a half-day retreat for 50 energy and environment groups, we forged a process that resulted in united policy strategy for the energy sector that we jointly advanced at the Minnesota legislature."
Related blog post: Just In Time Convening
Annual Customer Meeting Design
"CPL was called in as master meeting designers to help us think through transforming our old way of presenting an annual customer rate hike, to a more inclusive participatory learning and listening session with our customer base. Insights on convening and meeting design were invaluable. As engineers, we are great at delivering and presenting information, but short on engaging and collaborating with our customers. We are finding this is imperative and essential to satisfying our customer base. At the end of the session, we created an Annual Customer Meeting design that will succeed everyone's expectations."
Related blog posts: Strategy vs. Culture, Does Culture Trump Strategy