Humanity Awareness Initiative

June 21 and July 5



RICHARD BARRETT, Barrett Academy for the Advancement of Human Values

Barrett Academy for the Advancement of Human Values


Part 1: 6/21/21
Part 2: 7/5/21

Richard is a prolific contributor to the growing awareness of the role of values in global consciousness evolving. When we first met Richard in 1995, while still at the World Bank, he was just writing the Corporate Soul: Building a Visionary Organization. Over the years, he spoke at our conferences, The Inner Life of Business: Igniting Purpose and Spirit at Work, and Thought Leader Gatherings in Minnesota and the Bay Area, each time with a new lens and growing body of thought and work. We are thrilled to welcome back Richard as our Conversation Starter!

The Humanity Awareness Initiative (HAI) is a global education and training movement designed to accelerate the evolution of human consciousness and societal wellbeing.

Societal Development. Since the arrival of Homo sapiens on the evolutionary scene 200,000 years ago, six worldviews have emerged. Each worldview was precipitated by changes in human living conditions that triggered new stages of collective human psychological development. The worldview of Humanity Awareness, which is now emerging, represents the seventh worldview - a collective shift from the Individuating Stage of Development to the Self-Actualizing Stage of Development. The survival of our species is dependent on the adoption of this worldview.

Human Development
Every human on the planet is on an evolutionary journey. The journey begins at conception, and if, you decide to engage in the journey it continues until your last day. As you master each stage of development you will attain a new level of wellbeing in your life. There are seven stages to this journey. The seven stages are: Surviving, Conforming, Differentiating, Individuating, Self-Actualizing, Integrating and Serving. Browse each stage below.

Find out more by signing up for the Humanity Awareness Initiative online learning course.

6/28 & 7/12: The Hearth: A Community Conversation: ”Learnings from the 6/21 & 7/5 Essential Conversations”

Purpose, Focus, Origins

From Richard Barrett:

HAI Purpose

The central objective of theHumanity Awareness Initiative is to accelerate the evolution of human consciousness by showcasing and creating education and training programs that lead to the emergence of this new worldview.

HAI Focus

The focus of the education and training programs will be on teaching children, teenagers, young adults, mature adults, municipal, business and political leaders as well as guardians of wealth to become conscious – to be aware of how their actions and behaviours impact other people and the planet, and how their thoughts and beliefs impact their mental and physical health.

HAI Origins

The Humanity Awareness Initiative began in October 2017 when I called together 12 friends from all over the world to spend three days with me at a retreat centre near Oxford (UK) to discuss how we could hasten the emergence of a new worldview. The question I posed to the group was: What would it look like if a nation were operating from the worldview of Humanity Awareness?

A year later, I invited 28 friends from all over the world to meet at the same retreat centre to review and revisit the topic of the previous retreat.

Armed with the ideas coming out of these meetings, I wrote Worldview Dynamics and the Well-Being of Nations and published the book in January 2020. Part 3 of the book covers the topic of global transformation, the shift from social welfare to psychological welfare, and what would be required to implement the worldview Humanity Awareness in a nation.

You can find out more about the Humanity Awareness Initiative by downloading the HAI Online Learning Course (self-guided).


This will register you for both 6/21 and 7/5 sessions.
Attendance at both is not required.

Additionally, you will receive invitations to attend “Hearth Community Conversations” on 6/28 and 7/12.

Interview with Richard barrett & terry chapman [22:00]

Interview with Richard barrett & terry chapman [22:00]

About Richard Barrett

Richard Barrett is an author, presenter, coach and internationally recognised thought leader on the evolution of human values in business and society. He is the President of the Barrett Academy for the Advancement of Human Values®, the Founder of the Barrett Values Centre®, a Fellow of the World Business Academy and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank.

Barrett Academy for the Advancement of Human Values

To discover, incubate and develop ideas, concepts and practices that support the evolution of human consciousness.

The Barrett Model:
Seven Levels of Consciousness

An overview of some of Richard’s work: