January 9, 2020
Whole Person Leadership:
The Art of Leading from Wholeness
1. Meet the Faculty
2. Meet each other (participants)
3. Orientation
a. Program Core Principles
b. Program Objectives
c. Program Flow
4. Concepts of Purpose and Convening:
The internal work we do to engage others
5. Consistent “threads” through each session:
• Leadership Challenge/Blueprint
• The 16pf Assessment Questionnaire
6. The role of research and assessment as a listening, collaboration and engagement tool.
7. Meet your partner/calendar first meeting
1. Read The Art of Convening book
Welcome, Introduction, Chapter 1
2. Session 1 Agenda/Preparation
3. Review session documents
• The Journey
• What is the Art of Convening?
• Leadership is Convening
4. Following your “thread”:
• Read: What Do I Stand For?
• Complete this exercise: What Do I Stand For?
(also found in TAB 1 of your binder)
• Video from Claudia (4:56)
the purpose of convening, qualitative research & WPL
click on the book image for a downloadable PDF
convening wheel: 9 steps to collaboration