May 6, 2021

Build Trust, Examine Systemic Racism
Trust Leadership Behaviors

Trust: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. Safe to bring your whole self forward.

Racism: exists when one race or color group:
- intentionally or unintentionally refuses to share power,
- distributes resources inequitably,
- maintains unresponsive institutional policies and procedures,
- imposes ethnocentric culture on any other race-color group for its supposed benefit,
- justifies its action, by blaming the other race-color group
-Dr. Robert Terry



1. Review The Art of Convening,
Chapter 7, “Essential Conversations,” p. 109-125
Meaningful exchange in an atmosphere of trust
Trust, Arc of Recognition

2. Session 4 Agenda/Preparation

3. Session materials and concepts:

Build Trust
Trust: A Business Case
Trust Leadership Behaviors
Trust Self-Assessment Guide
Trust Self-Assessment Guide.docx
> complete and bring to the session

The Anatomy of Trust, Brene Brown video
The Anatomy of Trust
The Trust Matrix, Richard Barrett
• References Annotation

Examine Systemic Racism
Diversity Discussion Questions
Diversity Discussion Questions.docx
> complete and bring to the session
• References Annotation

4. Sutra Session Journaling:
Building Trust
Examine Systemic Racism

After Session 4

1. Tracking Our Collective Journey research interviews
Schedule your 30-minute interview with Claudia

2. Choose a daily practice that strengthens your trustworthiness

click on the book image for a downloadable PDF

convening wheel: 9 steps to collaboration
