
16 Personality Factor Questionnaire and Assessment

Your life experiences so far, bring you to the start of your next journey.  Remember who you are – where you’re headed – what you most desire and hope to accomplish.  Navigate the road to renewal.  Transform your hopes into your reality.    

The 16pf® (Personality Factor) Questionnaire divides personality into 16 different 'personality factors'. Each of these traits or factors is a continuum – so an individual can, for example, be more or less open to change compared with other people. 

The 16pf® Questionnaire is predictive towards environments where you are most effective or perpetually challenged. It can help you see the patterns of your behavior and what you'd like to pay attention to for growth. 

In completing the 16pf® Questionnaire, you will pinpoint your unique gifts and unlock information to guide work and life decisions.  Gain new insight and learn through action.  The 16PF® experience is distinctive, incorporating learning from both science and application.

Behavior is the best predictor of performance.

The 16pf® Questionnaire (16 personality factors) is a reliable, validated tool with decades of data behind it. It is highly effective at revealing potential, confirming suitability, and identifying development needs. Unlike many personality assessments designed for use in business, the 16pf establishes a fully-rounded picture of the whole individual, making it a vital roadmap for decision makers.

Its unique depth and breadth of insight, combined with over 65 years of research, has earned the 16pf® Questionnaire international renown and respect.


·       16PF® (16 Personality Factor) Interpretive Report. The 16PF® Report reconnects you with your authentic self.  Your report is a navigational map to your future considering your unique gifts and challenges.  Based on over 65 years scientific research, the 16PF® is perhaps the most predictive personality assessment ever created.  It guides you in career and life decisions.

·       We will help you to delve into the 16 patterns outlined on your 16PF.  Quickly achieve insight into your distinctive gifts and challenges.  Clarify current priorities; formulate next steps.  Formulate your plans and next steps.  Deepen your internal authority; clarify progress markers and your sustainable future.