You are welcome to use any of these tools; we request with attribution to whomever is the source, whether CPL, or a reference source.
What is the “secret sauce” of any meeting? YOU. Who you are, as you lead or gather or connect with the people in your life.
What is the “secret sauce” of a great virtual meeting? The ART OF CONVENING, the technology of relationships + ZOOM, the technology of connectivity.
The Art of Convening (AoC) teaches the art and science of designing and leading virtual meetings and conversations that are inspirational, productive and transformative. Based on our 15+ years of convening powerful meetings and gatherings virtually, here are some key resources that make your ZOOM meetings exceptional.
Begin with a focus on purpose, then review the tools below. Email: Patricia Neal to let us know what you think!
“Your Purpose. Your aim or goal. Your reason for being. Your reason for getting up in the morning. You may not have considered the first three items, but most of us have wondered about a reason to get up in the morning, at least occasionally.” -Richard Leider
convening wheel: 9 steps to collaboration
• Easy Peasy Tech Guide (Amy Lenzo, weDialogue)
• How to Look Good on Camera
These Zoom tips apply to most virtual spaces:
• 9 Tips for a Professional Zoom
• Zoom Best Practices
Zoom start-up tips and best practices:
(use the 1st 5 to help people new to Zoom)
• Getting Started with Zoom
• Zoom Video Tutorials
• Download the latest Zoom version
• Zoom Meeting-Participant Guide
• Zoom Cheat Sheet
• How to Keep the Party Crashers from Crashing Your Zoom Event (check your settings!)
• Getting Started with Breakout Rooms*
• Polling for Meetings*
• 10 Tips and Tricks for Zoom
• How to Transform Your In-Person Training Into Engaging Virtual Training with Zoom
*not available to free users
• The Art of Convening Book: Authentic Engagement in Meetings, Gatherings and Conversations
Discover your purpose: G+P+V=C
• The Napkin Test, Richard Leider
From I to WE (Judith Glaser):
• Conversational Intelligence
• Conversational Intelligence Matrix
• Conversational Intelligence Assessment (CPL) utilizing the Principles of Conversation*
Intentional communication:
• Words Can Change Your Brain
• Scientists Show How Gratitude Literally Alters The Human Heart & Molecular Structure Of The Brain
“Upskill” or refresh your learnings
Grounded in your own purpose, the AoC helps you design and focus the purpose and intent of each meeting to co-create for the highest possible outcome for each participant, and deliver the impact and results you each want. ZOOM offers an amazing array of resources to bring that to your people virtually.
Learnings and Tools:
The Art of Convening book;
The Technology of Relationships;
The 9 Aspects of Collaboration: a pattern of wholeness;
Design to create structures of belonging;
Create an intentional container for safety and resonance;
Learning the protocols of Stringing the Beads;
Homework/journaling around great questions, such as "What Do I Stand For?"
Case Study structure for building great meetings.
Develop your “webside manner”;
Being a convener: create the space for depth, intimacy. Get to the Heart of the Matter;
The power of listening others into being;
The power of hearing all the voices;
The importance of transitions: pause to recenter, refresh, refocus;
Increased emotional intelligence:
Increased self-awareness; Increased awareness of others.
We live in a VUCA world: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. When we can connect and live from our purpose, it becomes a stabilizing force, especially in such disruptive times. Then we evoke the positive, flip side of VUCA: Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility.
(Credit: Bob Johansen, Institute for the Future)
Credits: Agility Consulting; Bob johansEn, institute FOR the future
CONVENING: Convening is different from facilitation. By definition, facilitation is 'the process of making things easy or easier.'
Conveners plan and design for wholeness, and invite participants to co-create the highest possible outcome for a meeting or gathering. Engaged collaboration is a natural outcome.
COLLABORATION: A co-creative engagement that is designed to create value and equity for each partner. To work with another person or group in order to achieve or do something, often by sharing knowledge, learning and building consensus.
More than a collection of skills and expertise, a collaborative process creates a culture of discovery, co-creation and innovation. Collaboration points us to new leadership capacities and behaviors.
COLLABORATIVE LEADERSHIP: An emerging body of theory and leadership practice focused on the leadership skills and attributes needed to deliver results across functional and organizational boundaries, and create value and equity for each partner, often by sharing knowledge and learning and building consensus.