As you can imagine, these trainings have greatly evolved over the past 18 months! Join Patricia to upskill for the latest pivot and transition that every workplace and community is facing.
Whether virtual or in-person, the need for authentic connection and engagement is greater than ever to maintain trust and believability, helping you and those you lead to stay on track and be productive in a way that is generative, not draining.
Great Virtual/Hybrid & In-person Meetings
Maximize Collaboration in a Post-COVID World
August 17, 24
Tuesdays, 6:00pm-8:30pm - Central US Time Converter
Virtual Tech + Convening
(2 2.5-hour Zoom Sessions)
$250.00 suggested
Zoom/virtual technologies + Art of Convening 9 Steps to Collaboration skills.
Get the best out of all worlds that you work or lead in!
Learning Objectives:
Learn to convene and facilitate successful collaborative work in a blended setting so you can create engaging, participatory meetings for remote teams or 1:1 meetings with anyone, anywhere.
Address meeting pain points:
· Distraction · Alignment · Zoom/virtual fatigue · Follow-through · How to bring the best of in-person meetings to virtual time.
With the Art of Convening 9 Steps to Collaboration methodology you will plan and design your meetings for vitality, energy and end with committed action.
About the Training:
All cohorts are live and interactive between participants, and between participants and faculty.
Learn to convene and facilitate successful collaborative work in hybrid settings, to create engaging, participatory meetings for remote teams or 1:1 meetings with anyone, anywhere.
Get behind the scenes with Zoom, MS Teams or other collaborative technology to explore current tools and features.
Unleash your team’s EQ with the power of convening.
Learn how convening skills can shift the culture of your team, department or organization to full-on commitment.
With the Art of Convening 9 Steps to Collaboration methodology you will plan and design your meetings for vitality, energy and end with committed action.
“This training helped put structure and intention to things that I was doing without really realizing why. I also learned some new zoom tips and tricks to help me get more out of my zoom meetings.”
“Your training gave me the technical training and a community in which to practice as I take my next steps.”
“This is a great training to allow you to slow down and really think about what goes into a great virtual meeting. You learn by experience to gain a deeper appreciation for the process and the tools that can come together to create great convening spaces.”
Session 1: Introduction to the course, Introduction to your custom Learning Platform
Overview: At the Heart of the Matter, Intent, "Webside Manner", Your Case Study, Your Purpose in Action, Exploring Zoom/MS Teams/collaboration software Capacity
The Architecture of Designing Great Virtual Meetings: Invitation, Context, Exploring Zoom Features, The Meeting Agenda, Your Case Study
Creating the Container for Presence: Practice & Application: Your Case Study, Creating Safe Spaces, Hearing All the Voices
Session 2: Conversation & Collaboration: The Challenges: Essential Conversation, Creation, Holding Paradox and Disruption
Session 3: Synthesis & Application: Synthesis, Application, Your Case Study, Commitment to Action, Completion
√ Online Learning Platform
√ The Art of Convening book (e-version)
√ Curriculum: overview of the AoC Book, course readings, journaling, combined with an exploration of the practices, principles, challenges and successes of convening virtually
√ Interactive exercises designed to maximize collaborative learning and application
√ Applied learning: Each training incorporates a "Case Study" as a tool and metric with which you will be able to design a specific convening opportunity in your life and/or work
√ Learn & practice the 9 Steps to Collaboration in a highly interactive learning environment.
Convening is distinct from facilitation. Conveners invite participants to co-create the highest possible outcome for a meeting or gathering, whether virtually or in-person. - Patricia Neal
9 steps to collaboration
2nd Friday of each month
PREREQUISITE: join CPL Communities (free)
“Your Purpose. Your aim or goal. Your reason for being. Your reason for getting up in the morning. You may not have considered the first three items, but most of us have wondered about a reason to get up in the morning, at least occasionally.” -Richard Leider
“I’ve gotten so much from the Virtual course. I love how you put together all the tools to make a really meaningful experience. Designing my own online class as a case study was a great real-time learning opportunity – thank you!”
“There were many helpful learnings, especially the overall concept and experience, especially the modeling of creating a ‘strong container’ for ‘authentic presence.’ ”
Both virtual and in-person training options are available.
Virtual Trainings—All virtual trainings utilize a Zoom video platform
In-house—A CPL Certified Convener will train the program at a location you specify.
Trainer Certification—Individuals or trainers from your organization certify to teach the course within your company.
Need more flexibility? We can help you meet the scheduling demands and limitations of your teams or organizations.
For more in-depth training and learnings, consider registering for The Art of Convening Core Training: