A Deeper Dive for WPL Alums: Fall 2020
- An invitation for you, as an alum of the Whole Person Leadership™ for Women program -
An Advanced Program for Whole Person Leaders
Facing into the future, dealing with everyday chaos, everyday disruption:
What is the application of your WPL learnings in today's world?
An offering for alums of WPL4W cohorts 1, 2 and 3
October-December 2020
10/15, 10/29, 11/12, 12/3, 12/17
5 Virtual Retreats!
9:00-10:30am Central
We now have 3 WPL cohorts! What is next? Imagine the power of expanding your network to this awesome group of women.
With research from all three cohorts demonstrates the power of a cohort to
support accountability
gain new learnings
broaden your community of whole person leaders
expand the power of your toolkit: Blueprint, Leadership Challenge, Purpose Plan.
Perfect timing for your Fall schedule: we begin in October and complete by early December. Please read on for further details.
We hope you join us! We’d love to work with you again.
Patricia, Claudia, Kim, Lynn, Vivian
5 Virtual Retreats
Session 1
Welcome and Orientation:
Meet the cohort
Core materials and concepts
Introduction updates on the Leadership Challenge and Purpose Plan processes
Establish your goal/outcome for the program
Establish your Case Study focus
Introduce/reintroduce the G.R.O.W. peer coaching model
Sessions 2-5
• Your Leadership Challenge
• Purpose Plan
• Case Study
• Let’s talk about leaning into the unknown.
From where do you lead?
What new leadership behaviors are being called for?
What does a non-white, co-leadership role model looks like?
What about equity? gender equity? race equity?
Leaning into the new.
• Why Purpose Matters
• Build Trust, Examine Systemic Racism.
• Building Trust
• Building Culture
October-December 2020
10/15, 10/29, 11/12, 12/3, 12/17
9:00-10:30am Central
Research and learnings: What is Next?
Women’s leadership
Purpose & leadership
Gender equity
Microagressions and successes
Race equity, culture & trust
Four Dimensions of Race
Purpose Plan
Case Study
Six Leadership Styles
Strengthen your ally network:
Wider spectrum of practice within 3 groups
Experiential: small group experience in breakouts and partner pairs
Separate tracks/together
Peer-to-peer coaching using GROW
Partner Pairs
Research: Updated research from Claudia gleaned from three cohorts
Walk away with deeper understanding of your WPL learnings
Your Investment
2020 Fall Program: $600.00
or $200.00 deposit
Payment plans available
Your investment includes
Course schedule: 6 Virtual Sessions
Coaching & Peer Coaching
Course materials
Leadership Toolkit: Purpose Plan, Leadership Blueprint, Leadership Challenge, Case Study frame, Instructional Materials
Certificate of Completion
Zoom Sessions: each session is recorded for post-session review
ICF CCEs: women who participate fully in each aspect of program (either in-person or virtually) will be able to receive Continuing Coach Education credits for an additional fee.