We’re in it for the long haul, together.
A weekly Zoom gathering to set your purpose and intention as a leader in these times
Mondays, 8:00-9:00am Central US World Clock
What’s at the Heart of the Matter?
We’re in the long game of a potentially transformational era with a demand for connection in new ways. Extreme disruption and resultant vulnerabilities are occurring for the entire planet almost simultaneously.
Many of us see ourselves as “First Responders”: stepping forward to convene or facilitate to solve a crisis, grow a leader, connect with another human in a meaningful way. Now we are being asked to step forward in new ways.
What is a positive response in times of extreme disruption? As one who steps forward to help, how are you sustained and renewed?
The Design: Each 1-hour convergence will follow the structure of the 9-Steps Convening Wheel. We will hear all the voices, hear from a Conversation Starter, have a breakout group, and a Community Circle.
Purpose: To activate leaders in response to this great disruption as conveners of transformation.
To discover collaborative action towards positive impact.
Begin each week, in a community of support and collaboration, by setting your intention to have a positive impact and bring people together for the highest possible outcome of whatever you are engaged in.
Who attends: Anyone who wants to step forward to make a positive impact in your family, community or organization.
Where: via ZOOM. Zoom instructions below.
Cost: Free/no charge
The intent of each conversation is to be focusing, renewing and powerful.
Past and Future Conversation Starters
Join The Convening Institute to join the post-conversation. Each topic link leads to a post in The Convening Institute that includes the session video and conversation chat.
7/20: Carol Gorelick, Theo Forde-Stiegler, PART II: What is Collaboration?
7/13: Carol Gorelick, EdD - Associate Editor, C. Theodor Forde-Stiegler, MOD - Executive Director, Collaborative Arts Lead, Collaborative Change Library & App: A GLOBAL Guide to transforming organizations, revitalizing communities, and developing human potential - PART I
7/6: no meeting
6/29: Mike McIntee, How Love Won: The Fight For Marriage Equality In Minnesota.
A road map for unity, one conversation at a time, one heart at a time.6/22: Natasha & Lorenz Sell, Sutra.com: On the heart of the matter
6/15: Ren Wei, Purposeful Leadership: the power of re-discovering your purpose
6/8: Patricia and Craig Neal, This is what civil society looks like
6/1: Nekima Levy Armstrong with Cheryl Persigehl: Rage, Love & Transformation:
A Report from Minneapolis5/25: Open Space: Patricia & Craig will hold the space for heartful conversation
5/18: Kiron Dawkins & Team of WestCOP, Heartful Leadership in the Heart of COVID-19
5/11: Pamela Meade, Whole Person Leadership in the Time of COVID in the Navajo Nation
5/4: Kimberly Kristenson-Lee, Labyrinth Leadership
4/27: Kiron Dawkins, Heartful Leadership in the Heart of COVID-19
4/20: Joe Davis, SHOW UP
4/13: Claudia Eisinger, The Heart of Belonging
4/6: Tom McSteen, Compassionate Listening
3/30: Mary Elaine Kiener, Doing Church: Evolving a New Normal
3/23: Terry Chapman, Living, Loving, Leading in Disruptive Times
3/16: Launch
Weekly ZOOM link: listed on the Convening Institute or in Registration link above. Once you’ve attended, you will receive a reminder each week. The ZOOM ID will remain the same each week.
For an optimal experience on ZOOM:
A. Plan to arrive 5-10 minutes early to get oriented on Zoom.
B. You will need a computer with audio and video camera access to participate.
A smartphone is an option, but will limit your ability to participate.
C. If you haven’t yet, download the Zoom application .
There is a free version for use of up to 40 minutes.
If you decide to purchase a Zoom plan please use > this link .
D. REVIEW the following links:
√ • Zoom Meeting-Participant Guide
√ • Joining a Meeting on Zoom
√ • Super Easy Tech Guide, Amy Lenzo, weDialogue
E. Prior to the meeting, RESTART your computer and close applications you don’t need (email, Word, etc.)
Questions? Don’t hesitate to write or text me or Patricia (612.889.5812 cell).