Upskill with one of the new Art of Convening Trainings
Purpose in Action
Slow to the Speed of Presence with the Art of Convening 9 Aspects Model™
Transform your world by creating conversations and cultures based on purpose, trust, respect, and collaboration.
In the midst of great disruption, how do you stay connected and authentically engaged with your team, community or family?
How can you create conversations and cultures founded in authentic engagement?
In person or virtual: great meetings wherever you are and whomever you're with
Tools and skills for high impact conversations and gatherings.
Improve communications and accountability.
Influence organizational change.
Transform yourself and your culture.
What is the Art of Convening™ Training?
Convening creates a structure to connect to your purpose and be in authentic relationship with others. Convening is a core practice for purposeful leadership.
Art of Convening Trainings are founded on a practical methodology that builds and expands your personal resilience, emotional intelligence, and leadership capacity. Convening trainings are real-time examples of how to practice and apply this powerful yet simple structure.
Bring your conversations or meetings to the next level of greatness.
AoC trainings focus on whole-person, purposeful leadership in real-time application, and the power of creating an intentional engagement strategy for yourself and those you lead.
Connect to lead
Brain science shows that your meeting performance and outcomes can be significantly different when you take time to connect, even in the simplest of ways. Convening is a path and a technology that takes the potential in each person and amplifies it through connection and engagement.
Who is the Art of Convening™ for?
Whether you lead from the front or from within, the AoC Training will equip you with tools to make a difference in any meeting or conversation.
Poking fun at meetings is the stuff of Dilbert cartoons—we can all joke about how soul-sucking and painful they are. But that pain has real consequences for teams and organizations.
Do you feel that meetings are a waste of time, boring, people don’t mean what they say, or you think “am I really needed”? A loss of time, momentum and productivity?
If so, the AoC training is for you. If you want to be truly effective & engaged, inspired with high expectation to produce outrageous outcomes. You know in your heart that collaborating with others could be more productive, even fun and have lasting results, but don’t know how to get started. Then the AoC Training is for you.
Trainings at a Glance
All virtual sessions are live and interactive, use the Zoom virtual platform, and are recorded for post-session viewing.
√ Pre and Post Assessments
√ A copy of The Art of Convening book or e-version
√ Curriculum: overview of the AoC Book, course readings, journaling
√ Interactive exercises designed to maximize collaborative learning and application
√ Applied learning: each training incorporates a "Case Study" and Council Process reflective inquiry
√ Co-learning: with course participants
√ 1:1 coaching with CPL/AoC Certified Convener
√ Training completion certification
√ ICF CCEs: students who participate fully and complete their program requirements (either in-person or virtually) will be able to receive Continuing Coach Education credits for an additional fee. (does not apply to the Virtual Training)
Training Delivery Options
Core Training via Zoom
Great Virtual Meetings Training via Zoom
In-house Customized Program
Trainer Certification
"CPL helped me use the Art of Convening to plan an important series of meetings that were much more successful as a result. I received feedback from participants that these meetings were among the most effective they’d ever experienced, and it was clear to me that they resulted in productive outcomes and very positive energy. The Art of Convening works, and CPL is a valuable partner!"
-Dave Rapaport, Ben & Jerry’s
√ Collaborative Learning
√ Create behavior change
√ Improve dialogue and engagement
√ Shared purpose & alignment
√ Transform your culture
What can I do to continue my convening leadership Journey after I complete an Art of Convening training?
When you have completed an initial training in Art of Convening (AOC), we encourage you to register for a “Mastering Convening” coaching and mentoring group.
These groups are an outstanding opportunity to receive support in applying the AOC framework to your most significant convening opportunities. “Mastering Convening” is also excellent way to learn to utilize the Art of Convening to deliver team or group coaching. For AOC training graduates who are also ICF coaches, participation offers 21 continuing coach education units (CCEUs). Space is limited in our upcoming group, please enroll today to assure your space.
"I came away from The Art of Convening Training (AoC) more energized, focused and ready to forge ahead with an appreciation of what was missing in our traditional approach to holding meetings. We have implemented the AoC within our organization and using the convening principles are gaining greater/deeper participation and collaboration in our meetings."
-General Manager, Metropolitan Council Environmental Services
Convening is different from facilitation. By definition, facilitation is ‘the process of making things easy or easier.’ Conveners invite participants to co-create the highest possible outcome for a meeting or gathering.
— Craig Neal
The Art of Convening was a gift to my professional and personal life! By the end of the program I was using the AoC principles to design my meetings and people actually started looking forward to attending! I am looking forward to being in touch with both Patricia and Craig to learn more to bring soul and breath back to board and meeting rooms!
- Cecily Victor, Berrett-Koehler Foundation