Changing the World: doing well by doing good
/ Patricia Nealphoto credit: craig neal
"What one can be, one must be." –Abraham Maslow
That summarizes the philosophy that Brian Johnson, Philosopher and CEO of lives by. In our lastest VisionHolder call, Brian used words not often found in the discussion of career/work/business: Love - Beauty - Kindness - Courage - Audacity - Compassion - Fun.
Zaadz exists to connect people who are interested in creating lives closer to their highest ideals and to be of service to their communities, families, organizations. The "ingredients" of Zaadz: Pure intention of love & compassion; commitment to using greatest strengths in the greatest service to the world; passionate desire to create, to serve & to circulate wealth; lots of laughter; conscious deep breathing; plenty of green tea; various asanas; a lot of hard work.
We heard of the next great plans for the Zaadz community. The next big vision is ready to unfold. We spoke of evolution—individual and planetary, the role of beauty in bringing presence and awareness, values, conscious capitalism, activating those who are ready to change the world, calling the new leaders to action, vision, vision in action....all topics near and dear to Heartland's heart and work.
Last but not least, we heard wonderful reflections and questions from people on the call. Thank you all for joining us. You make our day.
-Patricia & Craig and the Heartland crew