Response to Fear- Claudia Eisinger
/photo credit: craig neal
I was very moved by Claudia's response to the VisionHolder call with Joe Bailey.
Hi Joe and Craig,
A heart-felt “thank you” to both of you for your time and generosity in sharing your experiences and viewpoint on last night’s VisionHolder (see previous post below and audio to right) call.
One thing is still sitting with me that I would like to share with you. It is in relation to the two sides of fear - as a weapon and as a tool. I am thinking that fear as a weapon is what really stops us in our tracks and keeps us from acting (being stuck or frozen). It is what you said, Joe, as “being trapped in the prison of a limited life of narrow thinking and awareness.” It is being stuck in the ‘what if’s.’
I appreciate that fear is also a divine tool that guides us to a better understanding of what we are thinking, feeling, and believing, and in observing that to come to a deeper awakening to our unlimited nature and innately positive qualities. The image that keeps coming to mind is of fear as a divine tool as being the doorway to see and act from our true nature, one of love.
I was recently able to see and get the illusion of me living in the fishbowl of fear. I was able to see the huge layer of protection around my true, loving, joyous heart and that inner, carefree child. This layer of protection is important, but it was keeping me confined and unable to express my full, unlimited nature. This layer of protection showed up in my awareness as this thick, rigid blue cone wrapped around my true heart. The cone was protecting me from all the pain around in me and around me in our world. This showed up as darkness in a nebulous atmosphere around this blue cone. But the cone was so tight and it constricted even more when I wanted to express myself more openly and fully. In the past, if I managed to let go and be more open and vulnerable, I was still living in the fear of being hurt. However, in this observer state, a doorway opened in my awareness and the insight came to me a few days later - that there is something bigger and more powerful than fear. It is true love, unlimited love. I saw it as this colorful light, sparkling in golden and red, but all the colors of the rainbow were there. It was around all the fear in the world and in me, around my heart and the blue protective cone.
"I realized that as I choose to live in this unlimited awareness of true love, the protective layer is easing its grip and expanding so that the inner child of true love can thrive."
I realized that as I choose to live in this unlimited awareness of true love, the protective layer is easing its grip and expanding so that the inner child of true love can thrive. I feel that have a greater capacity for allowing for the pain and fear that now (less frequently) emerges in me, and have a greater capacity to allow for it in others –giving it space, to observe it, acknowledge it, and listen to it – allow it to be, without the resistance, because I “know” that I am sitting in the Ocean of Love that can accommodate all fear, pain, hurt, negativity. I am coming to understand that this is true Compassion. In the conscious of unlimited love, I can more easily choose to experience the love in me, even though the fear is there. As I move into the expanded consciousness of love, the fear is healed. I let the fear go accommodated by this Ocean of Unlimited Love and choose to let the love flow into my heart, and flow through me into the world, into the hearts of others.
So, we are important catalysts for others by creating an atmosphere of unlimited love, so that they can see and experience their highest nature, to build that trust in themselves and in true love. I am also choosing to be present with myself in compassion and acceptance so that I can be an instrument for the Divine. Then, together, Love can flows into the world and into every human heart from our Source. This allows me to be more open and trusting, as I know that I don’t have to either push away or even hold onto the fear that exists. Instead, I can be an instrument, almost like a divine vacuum cleaner that sucks out the fear, lets it flow to the divine, so I don’t get burdened with it and in that space, allows for Unlimited Love to fill the vacuum for all to experience. This, to me, is true service – similar to what trees do – absorb the CO2 and release the oxygen. In this we all create a loving atmosphere in which to thrive. It starts with an new expanded attitude: Love is larger than anything else and surrounds our hearts and the world, even though fear and pain also exist.
Thank you for being containers for this flow of insight and love!
With lightness and joy,
Claudia J. Eisinger <> <blocked::>