Leadership: Discernment - Courage - Purpose in Action

In the midst of great disruption, we are in the midst of a great social pivot. As leaders, we have crucial choices:

Discernment: to identify who and what really matters

Courage: to take action on behalf of what really matters

Purpose in Action: actions grounded in purpose set an intention for a positive impact and to bring people together for the highest and best possible outcome.


In March, CPL launched a new conversation series, to explore this question: “What is a positive response in times of extreme disruption?“

Essential Conversations:
Purposeful Leadership through Disruptive Times

A weekly Zoom gathering to set your purpose and intention as a leader in these times
Mondays, 8:00 - 9:00 am CDT

Here are three practices to be present to what is needed around you:

1. Listening
FIRST. LISTEN. A natural respect for all voices emerges when we listen with respect for everyone’s voice without fixing, problem-solving or advice-giving.

The practice: next time you are with someone, listen as if your life depended upon it. Because their life might depend on it.

2. Speak from the Heart
Take a chance to speak about what has meaning and purpose for you. It will most likely be meaningful for the person you are with. Speaking honestly and simply from the heart is compelling and authentic.

The practice: Pause, take a deep breath, put your hand on your heart. Ask yourself, “what is at the heart of the matter, right now?”

3. Slow Down the Conversation
Being interested. Follow the other person’s lead. The tendency to have a quick response, or talk over someone with excitement, isn’t the same as deep listening.

The practice: Allow pauses between the speakers, for connection to occur and to allow something new to emerge.

#purpose #artofconvening #convening #listening #leadership #practice #authenticengagement