Don’t be afraid to set goals that you’re passionate about

By Lynn Nelson, Whole Person Leadership for Women

This one step ... choosing a goal and sticking to it . . . changes Everything. 
(Scott Reed, African-American writer)

As we approach year 2021, I invite you to take a moment to breathe deeply. What do you want to achieve this year that would really excite you? I’m not necessarily talking about organizing your closets and losing excess pounds.

A wise friend once told me “true passion gives you energy back while ‘shoulds’ drain us.” A real passion makes your heart beat faster. When you take something on, consider carefully: Is it a passion or a should? 

I’ve been a goal setter most of my life. As I began to achieve my goals, I became more motivated about setting them. Having good support systems is key. Some people see life coaches or therapists for help in defining their purpose and achieving goals, which I think is a great idea. But a supportive spouse or friend can also help you achieve your goals if you clearly state what your goals are and what kinds of support you need. 

Taking a moment to pause and reflect…


Questions to consider

As you begin your own goal-setting process, here are some questions to ponder: 

  1. Reflecting on the past year: What do you want to build on? And what do you want to learn from?

  2. What are your three most important goals?

  3. Why are they important to you?

  4. How will you deal with fears and other obstacles?

  5. Throughout your life, what’s most helped you become successful in reaching your goals?

  6. What are you most proud of to date?

  7. At the celebration of your life, what would you like to be acknowledged for?

Accomplishing goals requires discipline and tenacity. It also requires changing your goals if the journey toward your goals is no longer fulfilling. This doesn’t mean backing off when the going gets tough, but it does mean not mindlessly pursuing a goal just because you set it.

There’s a lot of value in regularly considering:

• What progress am I making? 

• Am I getting out of this what I am putting into it? 

• Given my limited time, money and talent, is this the best use of my precious resources? 

This year, I invite you to set a goal that you are truly excited about and to set up a support system to help you achieve it. If you do this, I’m sure that 2021 will be a miraculous year. 

Lynn Nelson