This is What a Paradigm Shift Looks Like
/What Does a Paradigm Shift Feel and Look Like?
Looking back at the disruption that came to bear in March of 2020, at the beginning of a global pandemic, accelerated by the murder of George Floyd in May, we realized we are in the midst of a paradigm shift, a significant life event. Since March of 2020, there has not been a person on the planet that could reliably predict 3 months, even 1 month out, what would be occurring.
The pandemic revealed the breadth and depth of disparities that impacted people’s well-being and thriving, most notably women and people of color. The murder of George Floyd revealed biases and misconceptions that erode our communities’ ability to interconnect and care for one another.
In March 2020, Zoom had 3 million users. Most people had never seen a Zoom screen. By May it had zoomed to 300 million and every online platform began the scramble to catch up. The new technology race began. The speed of existing technologies evolving, combined with new apps/programs being launched to compete has been overwhelming for many.
The race for a pandemic vaccine was underway while hospitals filled up, and families and workplaces began to adjust, evolve and transform.
Knowledge of COVID and its potential variants was scarce. We knew we were in a new virtual world but we had no idea where we were heading. Country and company heads made predictions and declarations week after week:
-COVID will be over by Easter, by Memorial Day, by Fall 2020, by January 2021….
-We-will-be-back-at-work-in-person-by-X-date proclamations began, only to be recanted, shifted, dropped entirely.
Paradigm Shift = Global Transformation
Today, 21 months later, the disruption, the unknowing, the scramble, continues, resulting in The Great Resignation and many trends never before imagined. Trying to figure out what is going on is top of mind. Is this what a paradigm shift feels like?
PARADIGM: A philosophical or theoretical framework in a scientific field or culture that guides thinking and action, creating both workability and limitations. (Thomas Kuhn)
PARADIGM SHIFT: A fundamental change in a scientific or cultural paradigm that opens the way to new possibilities that did not previously exist. (Joel Barker)
THRIVEABILITY: Beyond sustainability, the act of thriving and prospering. A set of conditions that encompasses collaboration, commitment, interconnection, adaptive behavior, innovation, resilience to create whole-system equity and value. (Center for Purposeful Leadership)
TRANSFORMATION: A shift in the essence of something. To change fundamentally in condition, nature, or character; a leap beyond linear improvements; a metamorphosis. (Center for Purposeful Leadership)
The Great Resignation becomes The Great Reimagining
In addition to the disruption, much good has occurred in these past months:
-new voices are at the table;
-priorities are shifting;
-attention to the realities of climate change has accelerated;
-a desire for lives that can thrive and work that matters, has moved to a top priority for people and for companies that need to retain or hire these people.
We have grieved together, healed together, and grown together.
Another key indicator: moving from the individual to community, to the collective, because healing happens best in community. This has been said over and over again in all CPL gatherings, and particularly our Essential Conversations.
Essential Conversations: Purposeful Leadership in Action
In March 2020, Terry Chapman returned from a trip to Africa. The world was realigning, disruption and panic was ensuing. Terry proposed to invite the community to gather, consider the compelling news of the day, and, in community, be aligned in moving forward into our day, our week, grounded in purposeful intention, to better serve those we each care for.
March 16, 2020, we launched the Essential Conversations, a weekly conversation of consequence and purpose. 84 sessions later, we have learned a lot.
Healing/Purposeful Action Happens in Community
What we've learned is to bring the community together, week after week. To help each other remember how we want to be as Purposeful Leaders. Set aside the noise to focus on what really matters.
We recently convened a hybrid retreat here in Minnesota, with 25 attending in-person, and with up to 50 people on Zoom from all over the world. We designed for collaboration and multiple voices and expression over the 2-1/2 days. We couldn't have done it alone, nor did we want to.
Collaboration is embedded in all of CPL’s work. We use the Art of Convening principles and practices to create authentic engagement and collaborations of equity and inclusion, bringing forward the beauty of each one’s voice, and heartfelt intention.
What Coco Zhao, an Art of Convening Trainer, expressed at the end of the retreat was the outcome of that intention.
This is What a Paradigm Shift Looks and Feels Like
There is no “new normal.” What is necessary for thriveability for each individual and community is still being determined, evolving. The disruption and uncertainty that you may feel periodically or constantly is real, because we are in a global paradigm shift, a transformation, a shift in the essence of what we used to think was immutable: “how things are done” “things will never change” “I have no real control over my destiny.”
This may/will take years. How to not only survive, but THRIVE?
-Don’t walk alone;
-Find your purpose. Meg Wheatley holds that purpose may show up in paying attention to what is needed to serve, maybe right in front of your eyes. Richard Leider holds that we each have a purpose, a way of expressing the gifts that are uniquely yours.
-Find your community, your allies;
-What matters? Decide what’s truly at the heart of the matter.
-Bring your voice to our CPL community. Each voice matters and is needed to reveal the authentic wisdom and collective wisdom that will midwife this paradigm shift towards a world that works for all.
Join us.