A New Model for Leadership: Purposeful Leader as Convener

A New Model for Leadership: Purposeful Leader as Convener

with Kimberly Kristenson-Lee and Craig Neal

This week we have lot’s to celebrate! Monday’s Essential Conversation marks the Chinese New Year and the year of the tiger. It also marks the 90th of session of Essential Conversations in which we explored “A New Model for Leadership” and convening for purposeful leadership with conversation starters Kimberly Kristenson-Lee and Craig Neal.

Click below to hear from Kimberly and Craig about The New Model for Leadership

Through this new model we are not looking for anyone except ourselves, we are the leaders. In focusing on possibility and creation as opposed to problems. We are able to move beyond oversight into authenticity and intimacy, developing mutual trust and respect in community. Trust, the essential component to relationships with others. One participant noted that in the midst of the ongoing pandemic, working from home, and isolation from others, Essential Conversations every Monday has become their strongest sense of community reinforced each week as a welcome place to practice and be vulnerable. Each week we are reminded of the gift to be in relation to one another and convene.


In the discussion we heard from several graduates of the Mastering Convening course about how their journey with The Art of Convening has shaped their work, life, and mindset. Their insight was both personal and profound, opening the conversation for small group discussions with the question, “What have you heard that resonated with you as a leader? In your life and/ or work.” The responses remind us of the power of the convening wheel which allow us to look inwards, practice living out love, authenticity, and looking for the good. When we give permission to ourselves we are able to see the same in others.

As we continue into this new year of 2022, let us be reminded of the call to experience. Experience ourselves, others, the world around us. Let us be bridges, connections to people and possibility. Let us live authentically and pursue mutual trust and respect. Let us continue to show up for ourselves and each other, creating an ongoing structure of belonging.

If you want to be a apart of own next impactful conversations, feel free to register and join us starting next week for a three part series:

2/7: [The Hearth] Purposeful Leader as Elder: Coming of Age at the End of an Age Terry Chapman, Carolyn Baker, Craig Neal

2/14: Making My Life Count: The Path to Purposeful Living Richard Leider