The road to Copenhagen

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

Read about Heartland community member Paul Thompson and his road to Copenhagen in this morning's edition of the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Nowadays, Paul Thompson lists his occupation as "climate changer."

Interviewing the retired Minneapolis teacher, you don't really have to ask questions. Mention climate change and he's off, memories and opinions bouncing from south Minneapolis to New Guinea to the Maldives, talking of green living and floods and biodigestion.

"It's all so intricately interwoven, and all of it revolves around having a healthy planet," he said. "It's about fulfilling the promise of what it means to be alive."

This week, Thompson, 61, has carried his enthusiasm to Copenhagen, where he is an official delegate to the United Nations Climate Change Conference. The meeting started Monday and runs through Dec. 18. He's there not only as a representative of Edina's Energy and Environment Commission but also because of connections to a group called ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, which made him a conference delegate.