Paul Strickland, to Represent Heartland at Global Spiritual Gathering in Australia

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

“There can be no peace among nations without peace among religions and no peace among religions without dialogue.”  ~Hans Kung~

Heartland member Paul Strickland from Minneapolis will represent Heartland at the Council of the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne, Australia December 3-9, 2009. The Council is the world’s largest inter-religious gathering with over 10,000 participants from more than 80 countries. The first Parliament was held in Chicago in 1893. Since 1993, a Parliament has been held every five years: 1993-Chicago, 1999-Cape Town, 2004-Barcelona.

His blog will report Paul’s reflections on Council activities and his trip. As an emissary for Heartland, he will be making global contacts and raising awareness of the Art of Convening™ and Heartland’s vision of convening and supporting evolutionary leaders who are committed to creating a world that serves the well being of all. Paul is a Thought Leader Gathering™ member, a graduate of the core and advanced Art of Convening™ training, and a Heartland Mens Wilderness Journey™ participant .