Purpose Shared: Kiron Dawkins, Convener, Rapper, Minister, Servant Leader

A man of faith and music, convening in a life of service dedicated to alleviating veteran homelessness and poverty.

Kiron R. Dawkins, Purposeful Leader, Rapper, Minister, Executive Director of Supportive Services for Veterans and Families of a Hudson Valley Multi-service Nonprofit Organization, Husband, and Dad of five daughters has led a remarkable life. Craig Neal, originator of the Art of Convening Trainings shares his interview of Kiron's fascinating journey. From the streets of New York as a 3-sport athlete, All-city All-county designations in football and a City championship, to the lessons of being shot in college, an early career as a rapper leading to the ministry, all the way to serving homeless veterans with exceptional results. He shares how the Art of Convening training helped to transform his team and redefine true collaboration.

Enjoy the interview, then read on below for more.



WestCOP SVF Regional Coordinator: Kiron Dawkins, kdawkins@westcop.org
Kiron stands at the forefront of the rapidly changing non-profit industry through services innovation. He’s spent the last four years evangelizing an industry-wide shift of community-based collaboration to service returning Veterans and has helped position WestCOP as a leader in the space of critical time interventions with Veterans in housing crisis.

Throughout his 12-year tenure with WestCOP, Kiron has built a reputation for developing business strategies, incubating new program models, and building out programs in key areas. He also developed and manages the largest Supportive Services for Veterans and their Families Program (SSVF) and has brought nearly four million dollars to the region over the last three years with another near two million in year four to serve Veterans under this initiative. Embracing the core values of integrity, innovation, and growth, Kiron consistently ranks among the top 5% of WestCOP employees.

WestCOP: Support Services for Veterans and Their Families

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About SVF:

Far too many veterans are homeless in America. The SSVF Program helps veteran households (single veterans or veterans and their families) that are currently homeless or at risk of losing their housing. It provides temporary financial assistance and many other services that create stability.

It is estimated that between 130,000 and 200,000 veterans are homeless on any given night; three times that many veterans are struggling with excessive rent burdens and thus at increased risk of homelessness.

One out of every three homeless men who is sleeping in a doorway, alley or box in our cities and rural communities has put on a uniform and served this country.

By The Numbers…





A disproportionate amount – approximately 40% – of homeless men are veterans, even though veterans comprise only 34% of the general adult male population. The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans estimates that 400,000 veterans will experience homelessness during the course of a year and 97% of those homeless veterans will be male. A large percentage – 67% – served three or more years in the armed forces protecting our country, and 47% are Vietnam Era Vets.