Purpose Shared: Jonathan Brown, Public Allies

Mastering growth, igniting engagement, cultivating skills through a human-centered approach (enhanced by The Art of Convening) based on kindness and accountability.

As Site Director of Public Allies Twin Cities, Jonathan’s responsibilities span from managing growth to fundraising to managing compliance standards for Federal, State, and CNCS reporting, to last, but most important, providing leadership and skills development opportunity for Program Managers that represent Public Allies to the community.

Public Allies Twin Cities is a program of Pillsbury United Communities, and a proud member of the AmeriCorps national service network. The core team of Jonathan, Andrea Carroll-Franck and Francisco Guzman, along with allies that are embedded into local organizations, work with nonprofits, schools, or government agencies that need support building capacity, and are known for their people and program excellence.

Craig Neal, originator of the Art of Convening Trainings, shares his interview of Jonathan’s journey of service. If you look at Jonathan’s LinkedIn profile, you’ll see these words or intention consistently throughout: provide leadership and skills development, increased engagement and participation, maximize opportunity and capacity.

In addition to work with Public Allies, Jonathan also expresses his passion as Co-Founder, Music Producer, Vocal/Studio Performance Coach at FHG Studios, and Praxis Group MN, which focuses on building capacity for organizations and systems. He’s a busy man!

Enjoy the interview!