Connecting the Dots
/ Patricia NealPHoto credit: craig neal
Friend Steve Borsch of Connecting the Dots stopped by yesterday. Steve, a visionary of those trying to get their heads around the future of Web 2.0, has been musing and seeking to understand the cultural and societal impacts of the next generation internet. The interest is to use "societal software" to create a "participation culture." The local and global connections are coming fast and furious. Sites, products, and people all want your attention. Where does discernment and collective wisdom enter into the conversation?
Within this emerging culture, there is the opportunity to recognize and nurture the concept of essential conversations--conversations that matter, that bring people together in dialogue not debate (see post below), bring people to true presence, which brings the conversation to purpose. A book that we've been recommending for a while is Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future (Senge, Jaworski, Flowers, Scharmer). Understanding the view of creating wholeness in each venture, conversation and exchange, can create the field for completely new understandings of organizational structures that create the interconnectedness needed to move humanity forward to sustainability and a shared future of health for the majority of people on the planet.
…this idea of worthiness, that struggle we go through as a nation, happens all the time.
Edward Dugger III, president of Reinventure Capital and an early pioneer in impact investing, explores the intersection between the venture capital community and racial equity.
…this idea of worthiness, that struggle we go through as a nation, happens all the time.
Edward Dugger III, president of Reinventure Capital and an early pioneer in impact investing, explores the intersection between the venture capital community and racial equity.
11/15 Essential Conversation
The Climate Reality Project: COP26* Hopes/Learnings/Outcomes
Finding your inner climate leadership
"Possibility awaits each of us. Listen with a softened heart and open mind to hear its call. Respond with the innocence of “not knowing” and you will see for yourself beyond belief."
What happens to a dream deferred? … Does it Dry Up Like a Raisin in the Sun? Or Fester Like a Sore— and Run?
Edward Dugger III, president of Reinventure Capital and an early pioneer in impact investing, explores the intersection between the venture capital community and racial equity.
NEW!! Art of Convening Self-Paced Leadership Course
Ignite Your Purpose Through the Power of Convening
What a blast we’ve had this year with 3 of the most talented and inspired interns in CPL history:
Read more about Lily, Shea, and Kayla here.
On Monday, May 3, join us to explore “Weaving Threads of Grief & Joy” in an Open Space Format
Through the magic of Zoom rooms*, you can self-select to choose the focus that interests you for a "deeper dive" conversation.
…this idea of worthiness, that struggle we go through as a nation, happens all the time.
Edward Dugger III, president of Reinventure Capital and an early pioneer in impact investing, explores the intersection between the venture capital community and racial equity.