Ordinary Acts, Extraordinary Outcomes-Betsy Sanders
/ Patricia Nealphoto credit: craig neal
“And who is to say it is foolish or it is useless to ride outalong and wish for … something better? … on one small road in on small night “ Who better to say than each of us? My great yearning is that each of us might experience a life that we fully live. That we discover what our gifts are and share them, to generate well being and good. To find the place where we can wish each other well.
"Ordinary Acts, Extraordinary Outcomes: Small Changes That Create a Big Difference" with TLG member Betsy Sanders, was a phenomenal morning of journey stories, big successes, and realizing the successes and journey are worthwhile within the context of bringing our gifts to our colleagues and humanity.
The grace of the monk who had the begging bowl. It allows us to give, and the monk then lives from what’s in the bowl – it is enough. Each day it’s enough. Each opportunity is enough. It’s about nourishing ourselves with whatever is in the bowl in a way that transforms us. I’ve been gone form Nordstrom as long as I was there, and yet the gift of that time continues to give.
What is that is in each relationship here, if we hold out our bowls to each other, that will renew and nourish us?
…this idea of worthiness, that struggle we go through as a nation, happens all the time.
Edward Dugger III, president of Reinventure Capital and an early pioneer in impact investing, explores the intersection between the venture capital community and racial equity.
…this idea of worthiness, that struggle we go through as a nation, happens all the time.
Edward Dugger III, president of Reinventure Capital and an early pioneer in impact investing, explores the intersection between the venture capital community and racial equity.
The Art of Convening can also be called The Art of Deep Listening.
[repost from 2019] This is Thanksgiving holiday week In the US. November is also Native American Heritage Month. Family, friends and neighbors may be gathering. This week, we invite you to practice the art of deep listening, as a way to connect or reconnect in new ways. We offer 3 practices and 2 exercises. Let us know how it goes!
11/15 Essential Conversation
The Climate Reality Project: COP26* Hopes/Learnings/Outcomes
Finding your inner climate leadership
"Possibility awaits each of us. Listen with a softened heart and open mind to hear its call. Respond with the innocence of “not knowing” and you will see for yourself beyond belief."
What happens to a dream deferred? … Does it Dry Up Like a Raisin in the Sun? Or Fester Like a Sore— and Run?
Edward Dugger III, president of Reinventure Capital and an early pioneer in impact investing, explores the intersection between the venture capital community and racial equity.
NEW!! Art of Convening Self-Paced Leadership Course
Ignite Your Purpose Through the Power of Convening
What a blast we’ve had this year with 3 of the most talented and inspired interns in CPL history:
Read more about Lily, Shea, and Kayla here.
On Monday, May 3, join us to explore “Weaving Threads of Grief & Joy” in an Open Space Format
Through the magic of Zoom rooms*, you can self-select to choose the focus that interests you for a "deeper dive" conversation.
…this idea of worthiness, that struggle we go through as a nation, happens all the time.
Edward Dugger III, president of Reinventure Capital and an early pioneer in impact investing, explores the intersection between the venture capital community and racial equity.