Purpose Shared: The Art of Purposeful Leadership


Purpose is an expression of your gifts, talents, values and passions.

By Patricia Neal


On a chilly Minnesota day, it’s wonderful to recall the recent Fusion 2.0 Conference, hosted by Salveo Partners. The warmth and generosity of spirit made this conference a wonderful learning and sharing environment.  Craig Neal and I were honored to present "The Art of Purposeful Leadership," a Learning Lab.

We followed a keynote by high-energy Ondra Berry of MGM Grand. Jennifer Gilhoi gives an excellent recap of the day here: https://lnkd.in/eUK2g9R. Her comments about our session are below.

What did we learn? There are at least 2 languages of leadership: from the head and from the heart. The head needs to create order, quantify and measure; the heart needs and gives aspiration, inspiration and connection.

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The Art of Purposeful Leadership
In this session packed full of purposeful tools, Craig Neal, The Center for Purposeful Leadership, began with one simple idea: A purposeful leader is anyone who steps up to make a positive impact in the world. Craig and his wife and business partner, Patricia Neal, had a cadence to their sharing that made the experiences in this session delightful. In a U-shaped seating arrangement with a range of tactical items at our fingertips, the group practiced “stringing the beads,” where each person contributed their response to a prompt like what gets you excited to get out of bed every morning?

Beyond the straightforward response of, “an alarm clock,” each comment or bead, told a story about the person and at the end, a collective story of the group. Craig and Patricia walked us through The Napkin Test, by Richard Leider, an Art of Convening exercise to outline nine steps to thoughtful collaboration, and a Conversational Intelligence Assessment to rank ourselves and select one area to improve upon. 

If you’d like to explore more about The Art of Purposeful Leadership, join us for an upcoming Zoominar. Each Zoominar is an opportunity to explore together the why and how of bringing your purpose to shared action in the world. And finding a way towards committed and shared outcomes. [45-minute, live, interactive conversation + 15 minute Q&A]
Click here to register or contact Craig @ cneal@centerfpl.com