Purpose Moment

Purpose Moment - Barbara McAfee

The Highest Goal /Let the Courage Begin!

PHoto credit: craig neal

PHoto credit: craig neal

The focus of today's Member Campfire Call was The Highest Goal: The Secret that Sustains You in Every Moment, by Michael Ray. [All calls are 2nd Tuesday of each month]

Wow! what a juicy call today! Many thanks to Michael Ray for joining us. As we reflected on the questions: "What do you know to be your highest goal? How are you acting creatively and/or courageously to meet the challenges of our times?," what became apparent is the intentionality with which we all live.

Michael asked us to explore one of the exercises from the book: "The Most Meaningful Thing," that leads to discovering one or two words related to our highest goal. Some of the words spoken: connectedness - service - justice - action - love - communion - emergence – authentic being - trust – co-creation.

Courage/We are not alone...

We spoke of using these calls and other opportunities to remind us that we are not alone, that there are many powerful, wonderful visions in action, that our combined efforts create and support courage to take the next step, to keep going.

Michael closed with the following reflection: Our shared words of our calling, our passion, move us to exhaltation. Move us toward whatever is emerging. We’re doing it now, together. We are visions in action, in service, in love.

Thank you for joining us!