Jane Barrash, VisionHolder

Photo credit: craig neal

Photo credit: craig neal

Bringing new consciousness to the streets and the board rooms...
To say Jane is dynamic is like saying fire is hot! She is an irrepressible field of energy dedicated to bringing a new consicousness of interconnectedness and awareness to every facet of her life and others lives. She's delivering her Discovery of Life program in high schools, prisons, corporations and anywhere there is a willingness for new thought and discovery.

For 28 years, the Continuum Center has been at the forefront of new thought and cutting-edge research from fields including quantum physics, medicine, neuroscience, and the teachings from Native American, West African, East Indian, Asian and Tibetan cultures. As Executive Director of Continuum Center for 20 years, Jane has many stories of the emergence of the field of new leadership, new thought, new ways of being, consciousness and the nature of reality.

Listen to the VisionHolder Call with Jane on the left and post your comments below.