Why Uncertain Times Need Certainty of Purpose

Photo credit: Daniel Scotton

Photo credit: Daniel Scotton

In a new series, Center for Purposeful Leadership provides guest blog posts from our Purpose Fellows. We are pleased to present the first post from renowned purpose coach Richard Leider.

Originally posted on 02/23/2017 at richardleider.com

What are we to do to survive and thrive in this volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous environment? (VUCA) The mere fact that we have to ask that question is unsettling. Many of us did not anticipate that we’d be living in that question, daily, at this point in our lives.

We prepared hard for a future we expected. And, yet, when it comes to our work lives today, we find that it’s the end of work as we know it.  Laid off?  Under-employed? Feeling stuck in your current position?  Working worried? This is not how we envisioned that it was going to be.

Growing up, I envisioned that the future was predictable enough. If I studied hard I could obtain the work I wanted in an environment I understood. I would live a successful “good life.”

Our careers today rarely are that certain.

Why the disconnect between what we hoped would happen, and what is actually happening? The answer is simple – a VUCA world requiring new life skills to navigate it.

The way I was taught to think and act works well when the future is predictable. But, not so much in the VUCA world as it is now.

In transition times, we tend to knock any abstract thinking about our work lives as a luxury we cannot afford. The emphasis is to stay employed no matter the personal toll it’s taking on us. It’s pretty scary when you cannot plan and control your destiny, let alone the work you want.

"In a world where we can no longer be secure or certain, how can we find some sense of certainty? If we want to play in the new work game, as it is now, we have to change our mindset."

Freedom “to” not “from”

This simple phrase has changed the way I relate to uncertainty.

Freedom is born of awareness. Freedom “to” means awakening to the reality that we can choose for ourselves how we want to interact with the new work world (and the daily VUCA news!)

Freedom “to” means awakening to the truth of what’s happening in both our inner and outer worlds and then acting on what is happening with our own deeper wisdom or our guide.

While everything outside seems to be shifting, what remains unchanging is what we know inside – our core purpose, values, and beliefs.

Freedom “to” means staying fiercely aware and protective of that which is most important to lead a life of substance.

Freedom “to” is about taking back the steering wheel of our lives and refusing to become VUCA’s passenger limping along aimlessly as we hear the daily sirens signaling bad news.

So, how do we wake up from being asleep at the wheel?

Creating Certainty Amid the Uncertainty

Purpose provides the bones for the body of life – the human story. What I observe in my coaching practice is that many people, today, feel increasingly disconnected from a sense of context, meaning, and the greatest human narrative. They speak of being too busy, hurrying too much, and not knowing what their lives are supposed to be about. They are desperate to feel connected to some purposeful certainty, something more lasting than their momentary dramas and distractions. The ceaseless activity creates a feeling of shallowness. Instant and trivial is how it is – the opposite of grounded purposefulness. They hope their real lives will one day have the certainty that real life is supposed to carry, yet, is slipping away.

It’s critical to take hold of the steering wheel. To reflect on life. To consider where we fit into the larger human story and what purpose our individual and shared journeys holds.

The VUCA world can change radically in a short span of time. But what is 100% certain is what’s valuable and important to you. Who are you?  What matters to you? What is “calling” you to be your best self?

So, how do you grab the steering wheel and get started on concrete actions that are consistent with your desires? How do you find core certainty in uncertain times?

The process for planning your future when you can’t really plan looks like this:


Does This Overwhelm You?

How do I know this approach will work?  Because it already has.  The process works “if” you work the process.  After reading this, you probably feel a bit overwhelmed because it seems like a lot of work.

Want to know why you feel this way?  Because it is a lot of work.

Creating your life the way you want so that you feel a sense of certainty from it requires a commitment to yourself to take actions every day.  There are no magic buttons or pills that will get you there.

So my question to you is this…

“Are you willing to do what it takes to create a certain life you love?”

You have two choices…

Choice #1:  You can continue on the path you are on right now.  There is nothing wrong with going this route.  However, this path is very uncertain.


Choice #2:  You can grab the steering wheel and begin the What Works practices which will help you speed up the process so you can get where you want to go much faster.

Which do you prefer?

Whatever choices you make today will affect where you will be in your life one year from now because it takes that long for you to see the results of your practices!

*    *    *    *    *    *

Richard, known to his 1 million readers as “The Purpose Coach”, has written ten books, including three bestsellers – THE POWER OF PURPOSE, REPACKING YOUR BAGS, and LIFE REIMAGINED.  He writes about unlocking the power of purpose at richardleider.com.

Trade Up! 5 Skills for Redesigning Your Leadership & Life from the Inside Out

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

What is the compelling future that is worthy of my life? What is the compelling future that leads me to want to 'Trade Up'"? These are just two questions that pioneer and author Rayona Sharpnack left us with at the end of a most engaging conversation.

Listen here: http://www.hipcast.com/playweb?audioid=P52018f800871402b01c09c8e3cdcac9aYFh9R1REYGB9&buffer=5&shape=6&fc=FFFFFF&pc=666666&kc=009900&bc=CCCCCC&brand=1&player=ap26

Speaking to her new book, Trade Up! 5 Skills for Redesigning Your Leadership & Life from the Inside Out, Rayona began with another profound question: "For the sake of what?" For Rayona, it is for the sake of leaving the world a better place than she found it.

It's for living into a life filled with grace and ease and flow, as a path for herself, and a model for others.

The question for each of us is: for the sake of what do I want to enter the inquiry that begins the journey of trading up? If you consider that life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of what you do with it, then the context begins to focus on what you do with it.

Rayona invited us to move forward, toward manifesting our visions and being a catalyst for others, but with the following context of leadership: that the only time leadership is relevant is when it's time to change the status quo. And that change happens best in community: that a leader has listened, and then speaks and evokes action around a compelling future. Not THE compelling future, but a future that has been co-created, which creates engagement, empowerment, fulfillment for those participating.

For some of us on the call tonight, we began "trading up" as we listened to Rayona's words and intention. Many thanks to Rayona for her generosity of spirit and courage to bring forth her book, and continue to be in the world as a pioneer for transformation.

Gender Myths

Photo credit: craig neal

Photo credit: craig neal

I was honored to host an engaging conversation with longtime Heartland friend Marilyn Mason on the topic of one of her passions: Gender Myths: how the myths of gender block our spiritual and professional growth. As we all know, this isn't just about gender, but it was a good place to start.

According to Marilyn, the glass ceiling is actually in the foundation, the walls, the floor. Men and women are bound by simple stereotypes that we’re often unaware of. What are some of the simple ways to create change? One suggestion is to create a Vital life vs. a Balanced life—one that includes mentoring or being mentored, appreciation and support of those we work with, creating opportunities for each of us to thrive.

How to turn the baggage into value? By committing to an awareness of common misperceptions or limitations that hold each other and ourselves back from being in relationship with those around us. Because as Marilyn notes, personal and professional growth occurs best within relationship.

What does this have to do with bringing more of ourselves to work? Knowing what is propelling people to change: 65% of people leave the workplace because they don’t feel appreciated to show up in their full capacity. If you're thinking employee engagement or talent retention, this conversation matters.

Engagedly yours -Patricia Neal

Jane Barrash, VisionHolder

Photo credit: craig neal

Photo credit: craig neal

Bringing new consciousness to the streets and the board rooms...
To say Jane is dynamic is like saying fire is hot! She is an irrepressible field of energy dedicated to bringing a new consicousness of interconnectedness and awareness to every facet of her life and others lives. She's delivering her Discovery of Life program in high schools, prisons, corporations and anywhere there is a willingness for new thought and discovery.

For 28 years, the Continuum Center has been at the forefront of new thought and cutting-edge research from fields including quantum physics, medicine, neuroscience, and the teachings from Native American, West African, East Indian, Asian and Tibetan cultures. As Executive Director of Continuum Center for 20 years, Jane has many stories of the emergence of the field of new leadership, new thought, new ways of being, consciousness and the nature of reality.

Listen to the VisionHolder Call with Jane on the left and post your comments below.

Moral Intelligence

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

Integrity - Responsibility - Compassion - Forgiveness
An amazing in-depth conversation with Fred Kiel, co-author Moral Intelligence. Moral intelligence as a distinct intelligence is new to the playing field and is unfolding to be a vast subject. Moral intelligence is our mental capacity to determine how universal human principles - like those embodied by the 'golden rule' - should be applied to our personal values, goals, and actions. "MI" focuses on four principles that are vital for sustained personal and organization success:
reflecting the head: Integrity - Responsibility
reflecting the heart: Compassion - Forgiveness.

  • Why is this important in our work and lives? what are the implications?...
  • New Directions from Fred and Doug - exciting new website...

More on Fred Kiel...

The big decisions that face us all globally are probably in the hands of the leaders of large business organizations.
-Integrity: if these leaders want a workforce that trust them, integrity must be present.
-Responsibility: they might also want a workforce that is inspired to take personal responsibility for themselves and, possibly, the larger world.
-Forgiveness: if you want a creative workforce, you must have forgiveness.
-Compassion: if you want to retain your workforce, you must have compassion.

There seem to be areas of the brain dedicated to moral reasoning: We are born to be moral. if parenting/support is good enough, people will grow up to have the natural capacity to be moral.

Questions discussed: How were the four universal principles chosen? What is the organizational impact of grounding the culture and leadership with the four universal principles? Is there any real evidence that “character based” businesses do better than ones that aren’t? (THE ANSWER IS YES!!)

http://www.moralcompass.com—online as of 9/15
2nd Book coming from Fred and Doug: "What CEOs Believe and the Impact on the Bottom Line"