Last minute discount! One more spot available...

Photo Credit: Craig Neal

Photo Credit: Craig Neal

Last minute discount! One more spot available >  

We are looking for one more father & son duo to join us on the next Fathers & Sons Wilderness Journey departing on September 1st.

We are willing to offer registration for this "Journey of a Lifetime" at "cost plus".

 Call or email us now to secure this incredible last minute deal:

Phone: 612.920.3039 (office)



 This is the perfect opportunity to join 3 other father & son duos who are on a lifelong journey of cultivating powerful, fulfilling and nurturing relationships with each other. 

SAVE 15% on AoC trainings in 2013

Photo Credit: Craig Neal

Photo Credit: Craig Neal

Give yourself the gift of The Art of Convening this holiday season by enrolling in one of the 2013 Trainings.

Registrations by 12/15 will receive a special 15% discount.

The AoC Trainings benefits include:

  • New skills for Convening and Facilitation
  • New strategies and tools for applying convening in your work and life as a leader and catalyst for change and transformation.
  • State of the art virtual and in-person participative learning practicum utilizing practices, tools, and principles for authentic engagement and leadership.
  • Credentials as an AoC graduate. (certificate and certification)
  • From 15 to 36 CCEUs from the International Coaches Federation.
  • Listing on Heartland's AoC web site as a Convening Resource Provider.

Our new Practicum Trainings include:



- AND -

2 NEW CORE TELETRAININGS: January 2013 -1/29 & 1/30

Bring your case study, project, next convening challenge to your Practicum Training Cohort.

A space and discounted rate can be held with a deposit.

When we, as Conveners, tap into the generosity inherent in people, the wealth of knowledge and wisdom in any gathering is revealed. That wisdom is felt as a connection to being whole, both individually and collectively. When we feel and experience wholeness, our connection to one another and the world around us becomes less hostile  and more inviting.

-- Craig Neal, Originator of The Art of Convening Trainings 

The Training illuminated the essence of adding action to intention in a way that has transformed and equipped me to serve and contribute convening in both professional and personal areas of my life. I have committed to convening as a way of life." -- Myron Lowe, Director, Office of Information Technology, University of Minnesota      


- Call: 612.920.3039 - Email:

Trade Up! 5 Skills for Redesigning Your Leadership & Life from the Inside Out

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

What is the compelling future that is worthy of my life? What is the compelling future that leads me to want to 'Trade Up'"? These are just two questions that pioneer and author Rayona Sharpnack left us with at the end of a most engaging conversation.

Listen here:

Speaking to her new book, Trade Up! 5 Skills for Redesigning Your Leadership & Life from the Inside Out, Rayona began with another profound question: "For the sake of what?" For Rayona, it is for the sake of leaving the world a better place than she found it.

It's for living into a life filled with grace and ease and flow, as a path for herself, and a model for others.

The question for each of us is: for the sake of what do I want to enter the inquiry that begins the journey of trading up? If you consider that life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of what you do with it, then the context begins to focus on what you do with it.

Rayona invited us to move forward, toward manifesting our visions and being a catalyst for others, but with the following context of leadership: that the only time leadership is relevant is when it's time to change the status quo. And that change happens best in community: that a leader has listened, and then speaks and evokes action around a compelling future. Not THE compelling future, but a future that has been co-created, which creates engagement, empowerment, fulfillment for those participating.

For some of us on the call tonight, we began "trading up" as we listened to Rayona's words and intention. Many thanks to Rayona for her generosity of spirit and courage to bring forth her book, and continue to be in the world as a pioneer for transformation.