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2 NEW CORE TELETRAININGS: January 2013 -1/29 & 1/30
Bring your case study, project, next convening challenge to your Practicum Training Cohort.
A space and discounted rate can be held with a deposit.
When we, as Conveners, tap into the generosity inherent in people, the wealth of knowledge and wisdom in any gathering is revealed. That wisdom is felt as a connection to being whole, both individually and collectively. When we feel and experience wholeness, our connection to one another and the world around us becomes less hostile and more inviting.
-- Craig Neal, Originator of The Art of Convening Trainings
The Training illuminated the essence of adding action to intention in a way that has transformed and equipped me to serve and contribute convening in both professional and personal areas of my life. I have committed to convening as a way of life." -- Myron Lowe, Director, Office of Information Technology, University of Minnesota
- Call: 612.920.3039 - Email: info@heartlandcircle.com