What got you here won't get you there

The title of Marshall's new book What Got You Here Won't Get You There speaks to the need to move away from old command and control behaviors to a mind frame of "Make peace. Change what you can change now. Take a deep breath and let go of the rest." Changing ourselves creates change around us... not rocket science, just simple wisdom to live daily.

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Mark Thompson

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

Success Built to Last: Creating a Life that Matter
Spending time with Mark is like having a conversation
about the really big issues of life with a dear friend while driving with the top down...like SUCCESS, love, passion and meaning along with making a buck and leaving an enduring legacy!!! Whew.

He's written a new book with Stewart Emery,of EST and Actualizations fame,and Jerry Poris, co-author with Jim Collins of the wildly famous Built to Last, about what makes for enduring success, how do you make for a sustainable life?

I've never seen a line up of endorsements of high profile global leaders for a book before. so whats up? seems he's hung the book around 3 core principles: Meaning - Passion - Action...

MEANING- making a difference for the sake of service, One thing that does last is love and meaning.

PASSION we do it despite what it gets done. a portfolio of passions.

ACTION- getting it all done!

What do you think? listen to the audio link to the left and weigh in on your definition of success in your life.