Impact Assessment Report- Part 5: Powerful Conversations

Part 5 of a 5-Part Series:

Powerful Conversations

The right conversations, stimulated by the right questions, can unlock your leadership.

Powerful Conversations to Unlock Your Leadership

Whole Person Leadershipfor Women –A Forum for Conversations that Matter

By Kimberly Kristenson-Lee, MA, CCL, Faculty, Whole Person Leadershipfor Women

My client Carol was struggling mightily with her team.  Detachment was in the air.  The group had developed a frosty, disinterested edge in its Monday meetings.  We discussed options.  We quickly realized that new tactics would not be productive. Carol would try instead try asking more questions, allowing more conversation, and watching for leadership to emerge from the team.  We developed a set of questions.  Almost immediately, Monday meetings transformed from a duty to a highly sought-out forum for leadership conversation.

Image credit: Red Zone marketing

Image credit: Red Zone marketing

In a similar way, each session of Whole Person Leadership for Women (WPL) is organized as a powerful forum for conversation. WPL is organized around conversations that unlock more of your leadership.  Qualitative research, gathered from prior groups, guides the focus and adds to the depth of each session. Each WPL session starts with a content expert providing ideas on a topical area.  Then, most of each session is spent in conversation with learning partners and peers--people tackling life and leadership challenges similar to yours.

 In each WPL session, you will learn, adjust and grow based on conversation and application.

The right conversations, stimulated by the right questions, can unlock your leadership. Here are some WPL conversations that will unlock new leadership capacity.

Questions for you:

  • What direction and/or purpose is calling you now? How will you share it?

  • How can you better tap into all your capacities (emotional, mental, physical and spiritual), in service to your direction?

  • What new self-awareness is unfolding, based on your leadership self-assessment? How will you use that to lead your life and work?

  • What builds trust, and what is your plan to build more trust?

  • What creates communication, and what is your plan to build better communication?

  • Why is giving and receiving support among peers so essential, and how do you plan to give and receive support?

  • How will you make the most of your resources?

Whole Person Leadership Program Design

Qualitative research, gathered from prior groups, guides the focus and adds to the depth of each session.


Register for a Zoominar™ to learn more about our 2020 program: 45 minutes + 15-minute Q&A with the faculty of Whole Person Leadership for Women

  • New cohorts for 2020: