Purpose Shared: 3 Purpose Pioneers

photo credit: Daniel Scotton

photo credit: Daniel Scotton

We've had the honor of knowing and working closely with three Purpose Pioneers: Richard Leider, Meg Wheatley and Peter Block. We are taking a moment to celebrate their life's work of living and teaching purposefully. Enjoy!

Richard Leider, Meg Wheatley, and Peter Block

The Purposeful Warrior: A Conversation with Meg Wheatley

Who Do We Choose to Be?
Leadership and the New Science

Meg Wheatley has been a seminal influence on CPL since the publishing of her book, 'Leadership and the New Science', followed in 2002 by 'Turning to One Another'.

As a Conversation Starter at our Thought Leader Gatherings, Meg brought a provocative yet compassionate message on leadership. In addition, her books were foundational texts for early Art of Convening Training's.

This interview allowed us to catch up on her new book, 

Who Do We Choose To Be?: Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity. 

We saw it as an opportunity to bring together our work on activating purpose, as purpose shared, and her work "to reclaim leadership as a noble profession that creates possibility and humaneness in the midst of increasing fear and turmoil."

In a time of unprecedented volatility and disruption, Meg's fierce commitment to defining the new warrior as present and compassionate is what is needed today. It was a thrill and honor to be with Meg again.

[Click to Watch Full Interview]

[Click to Watch Full Interview]