Impact Assessment Report- Part 2: Purposeful Leadership

Part 2 of a 5-Part Series:

Purposeful Leadership

What if you aligned with your purpose in all aspects of your life?

A Shared Journey of Purpose, Renewal & Thriving

Last week we introduced the full Impact Assessment Report for Whole Person Leadership™ for Women 2018 & 2019: Research Findings and Research Insights.

Click on the slide to learn more about our findings on Purposeful Leadership

Click on the slide to learn more about our findings on Purposeful Leadership

PART 2: We focus on Purposeful Leadership. Why does this matter? As we found in our research over two years, a focus on purpose and leadership has significant outcomes for participants:

  • Purposeful Leadership:

    • Reconnect to one’s source and purpose for higher levels of self-awareness;

    • More purposeful and authentic expression;

    • Further refine my purpose in order to develop my voice as a leader;

    • Collaborate and contribute by bringing more of one’s authentic self, gifts and talents, to your leadership role.

A question for you: What if you aligned with your purpose in all aspects of your life? What would that look like?



Register for a Zoominar™ to learn more about our 2020 program: 45 minutes + 15-minute Q&A with the faculty of Whole Person Leadership for Women

  • New cohorts for 2020: