Impact Assessment Report- Part 3: Renewal & Your Leadership

Part 3 of a 5-Part Series:

Renewal & Your Leadership

What are your own leadership renewal practices?

A Shared Journey of Purpose, Renewal & Thriving

Last week we introduced the full Impact Assessment Report for Whole Person Leadership™ for Women 2018 & 2019: Research Findings and Research Insights.

Click on the slide to learn more about our findings on Purposeful Leadership

Click on the slide to learn more about our findings on Purposeful Leadership

PART 3: We focus on Renewal & Leadership. Why does this matter? As we found in our research over two years, a focus on personal and professional renewal has significant outcomes for one’s leadership.

Just like going to the gym or practicing something for excellence, renewal practices are a daily or regular occurrence, and commitment towards personal and professional growth.

Questions for you: What are your renewal practices?
for your leadership?
for you, personally?



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  • New cohorts for 2020: