2020: The Year of Essential Conversations. Heartful Leadership in the Heart of COVID-19 or Love in Action.

2020: The Year of Essential Conversations. Heartful Leadership in the Heart of COVID-19 or Love in Action.

Essential Conversations

We’re in it for the long haul, together.

A weekly Zoom gathering to set your purpose and intention as a leader in these times

We’ve had some remarkable sessions these past 10 weeks (list below), exploring topics that support being a leader who brings purpose, intention and presence.

Monday, May 18 marked the 10th week of meeting. Art of Convening graduate Kiron Dawkins & the Team of WestCOP SSVF spoke to “Heartful Leadership in the Heart of COVID-19.”

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New! An Essential Guide to Virtual Meetings e-Book

New! An Essential Guide to Virtual Meetings e-Book

An Essential Guide to Convening Great Virtual Meetings

Overnight, virtual meetings have become the dominant way to keep people together. Virtual meetings don't have to be a waste of time. In fact, a well-convened virtual meeting can be as or more valuable than a face-to-face meeting.

It takes leadership and a commitment to innovation. Great virtual meetings with the Art of Convening methodology have vitality, energy, and end with committed, aligned action.

At a glance: I. The secret sauce is you! Who will you be in relationship with others?

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2020: The Year of Gratitude: The Commons Smacks

2020: The Year of Gratitude: The Commons Smacks

gratitude changes everything

Revisiting 2 of the most popular posts from 2019:

11/26/19: “Thanks-living”
12/18/19: “2020: The Year of Gratitude. What are you grateful for?”

These inspired new friend and colleague Miracle Adebanjo to send me an article he had recently written for the Augsburg ECHO.

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2020: The Year of Gratitude. What are you grateful for?

2020: The Year of Gratitude. What are you grateful for?

The Art of Convening can also be called The Art of Gratitude.

Sometimes it takes practice, but when you take time to be present to those around you and remember the gifts they bring, gratitude is an easy response. “Gratitude may be the most powerful inner capacity of the purposeful leader.” - Craig Neal

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Thanks-living* Week: Practice The Art of Deep Listening

Thanks-living* Week: Practice The Art of Deep Listening

The Art of Convening can also be called The Art of Deep Listening.

This is Thanksgiving holiday week In the US. November is also Native American Heritage Month. Family, friends and neighbors may be gathering. This week, we invite you to practice the art of deep listening, as a way to connect or reconnect in new ways. We offer 3 practices and 2 exercises. Let us know how it goes!

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The Nature of Leadership, Engagement and The Art of Convening

The Nature of Leadership, Engagement and The Art of Convening

"Convening leaders create and manage the social space within which citizens get deeply engaged. Through this engagement, citizens discover that it is in their power to resolve something or at least move the action forward."

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Impact Assessment Report of Whole Person Leadership for Women 2018 & 2019

Impact Assessment Report of Whole Person Leadership for Women 2018 & 2019

Part 1 of a 5-Part Series

Powerful - Purposeful - Thriving

This assessment was designed to evaluate the impact of the first two cohorts of this pioneering new program that focuses on the principles of purpose, convening and authentic leadership to help women leaders …

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