Good Morning from Craig & Patricia

photo credit: Craig neal

photo credit: Craig neal

You Reading This, Be Ready
Starting here, what do you want to remember?
How sunlight creeps along a shining floor?
What scent of old wood hovers, what softened
sound from outside fills the air?
Will you ever bring a better gift for the world
than the breathing respect that you carry
wherever you go right now? Are you waiting
for time to show you some better thoughts?
When you turn around, starting here, lift this
new glimpse that you found; carry into evening
all that you want from this day. This interval you spent
reading or hearing this, keep it for life -
What can anyone give you greater than now,
starting here, right in this room, when you turn around?

~ William Stafford ~
(The Way It Is)



photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

Heartland: Convening as the Art and Science of Authentic Engagement
-Join the Heartland Network (free): Heartland Network
-Become a Convener or hone your Art: The Art of Convening TeleTrainings
-Be Inspired: by our unique VisionHolder Calls
-Attend & Engage: The Thought Leader Gatherings (MN, CA)

The Circle Way: A Leader in Every Chair

photo credit: Craig neal

photo credit: Craig neal

Craig's May 18 conversation with Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea, Co-founders, PeerSpirit Inc. was as engaging as any conversation we've had. Christina and Ann bring wisdom, authenticity, humor, love to all that they do.

In their work Christina and Ann noticed that more and more organizations are looking for alternatives to rigid, top-down hierarchy as people realize that good ideas can come from anywhere and that fostering collaboration and group cohesion is vital to any healthy enterprise. But what approach can best create an environment that ensures clear speaking, compassionate listening, and the making of well-grounded decisions? Circle.  Th  The Circle Way lays out the basics of circle conversation based on the original work of the coauthors, who have studied and standardized the essential elements of circle practice and implemented them in a variety of organizations for over fifteen years.

Circle is the molecular unit of democratic practice. Every voice counts. When you are in the circle it doesn’t matter who you are outside the circle.

Peer spirit circles: when we’re practice our engagement as peers, spirit floods through us. The wisdom is in the room, the wisdom is in the circle. We lean in and stay in even when the going gets tough. Then the wisdom comes flying through sometimes the most unusual person.


The circle depends on us to hold together the agreements of civility. If someone is incapable of maintaining an attitude of civility, then the circle won’t hold. Anger or incivility can be directed into the center, into the candle, for instance, but not directed at an individual. The circle and hierarchy are not mutually exclusive. Circle can be particularly challenging if the person(s) holding hierarchy in an organization don’t wish to have a leader in every chair.

The structural elements of the circle are akin to the human structure. Each person that carries circle language or form back to their organizations or families is the right person to create the form and language that fits their group.

The circle by its very nature creates something that occurs —a recognition without having to say anything at all. What do you say about the circle that has inherent properties that makes it work so well? 

The circle is an archetype, part of our collective unconscious and our social DNA. People often come into a room and say, “what is happening here?” and nothing has been said yet. It’s just that the chairs aren’t bolted down in rows. And a different kind of presence is called for. No multi-tasking, no control from the front of the room.

The circle invites the whole of us to be present. We’re all visible. People are searching for a place where their whole self is welcome, not just our technical or sales savvy.

Advice from Christina and Ann: just try it. Just try a check-in and check-out. Try it in gentle places. Follow your heart with it. Know you always have support. Just keep breathing.

Strengthening through Appreciation

Photo credit: Craig neal

Photo credit: Craig neal

A morningnote from Heartland...via our friends at LiveDynamite

Gratitude is the antidote to fear.
May 3, 2010

Appreciation is one of the strongest expressions of love and has been shown to trigger physical and emotional healing.

Research has proven that it's impossible for the brain to be in a state of appreciation and fear at the same time. And since fear can be paralyzing and hold you back from creating the life you want, the more you express appreciation the easier it is to gain the strength and support you need to take action.

By focusing your attention on all you have to appreciate, you positively reprogram the mind and memory to see how life supports you. Pay attention and you'll see how this practice allows you to experience new levels of grace, ease and joy each day. Here is a simple exercise to help you expand your gratitude practice.

Spend 3 minutes deeply thinking about someone, or something, that you appreciate.
Use all of your senses to experience what it is that you are grateful for. Pay attention to how your mind and body relax.

Repeat this exercise throughout your day when you want to feel more positive emotions.

Have a great day!
The Heartland Team

Please help us title our new book- by 4/15

photo credit: Craig neal

photo credit: Craig neal

by 10am Pacific Thurs 4/15

Dear Friend of Heartland,

As many of you know, Craig and I are writing a book and your participation is needed! We ask for your help in selecting the best title for the book. Please take a few minutes to complete a quick 7-question survey.
*For your contribution to count, respond by this Thursday, April 15, at 10:00 am Pacific time.

Please click on this link to take the survey (and see a short description of the book):

Thank you for your help.

Patricia & Craig

Mojo: Building Block 4

photo credit: Craig neal

photo credit: Craig neal

Four vital ingredients need to be combined in order for you to havegreat Mojo.

The fourth element is acceptance. What can you change, and what is beyond your control? On the surface, acceptance—that is, being realistic about what we can and cannot change in our lives and accommodating ourselves to those facts—should be the easiest thing to do. it's certainly easier than crating an identity from scratch or rebuilding a reputation... And yet acceptance is often one of our greatest challenges... When Mojo fades, the initial cause is often failure to accept what is—and get on with life.

from MOJO: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back If You Lose It, by Marshall Goldsmith, our 3/23 VisionHolder Interview

Mojo: Building Block 3

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

Four vital ingredients need to be combined in order for you to havegreat Mojo.

The third element is reputation. Who do other people think you are? What do other people think you've done lately? It's your coworkers, customers, friends (and sometimes strangers who've never met you) grabbing the right to grade your performance—and report their opinions to the rest of the world. There is a lot you can do to maintain or improve your reputation, which can in turn have an enormous impact on your Mojo.

from MOJO: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back If You Lose It, by Marshall Goldsmith, our 3/23 VisionHolder Interview

Mojo: Building Block 2

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

Four vital ingredients need to be combined in order for you to havegreat Mojo.

The second element is achievement. What have you done lately? These are the accomplishments that have meaning and impact. We look at accomplishments from two perspectives: 1-What we bring to the task; 2-What the task give to us. Until we can honestly put a value on what we've accomplished lately, we may not be able to regain our Mojo.

from MOJO: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back If You Lose It, by Marshall Goldsmith, our 3/23 VisionHolder Interview

Mojo: Building Block 1

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

Four vital ingredients need to be combined in order for you to have great Mojo.

The first is your identity. Who do you think you are? Not how you think others see you, or what others say about you. Who do you think you are? Without a firm handle on our identity, we may never be able to understand why we gain—or lose—our Mojo.

from MOJO: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back If You Lose It, by Marshall Goldsmith, our 3/23 VisionHolder Interview

MOJO with Marshall Goldsmith: Tour de Force

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

Marshall Goldsmith is a force to be reckoned entering the ring with a verbally facile Aikido master. Remember the Maxell tape commercials with the guy in the chair having his hair blown back? That's what is was like for Craig to enter the interview dance with Marshall.

For an hour he delighted and amazed us with his personal bio, ruminations on his new book, MOJO, How to Get it, How to Keep It, How to Get it Back If you Lose It in an engaging no-holds-barred conversation.

Don't take our word for it, listen to the audio of the entire session here:

In the interview, Craig asked Marshall, "What is your work and the new book for the sake of?" "What surprised you the most about the book when you finished writing?" "Tell us about what is underneath the book, the story of how you came to write it."

Craig & Patricia Neal

 Be sure to register forthe next VisionHolder interview on 4/20.
Join the Heartland Network social networking site (free)


photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

while we wait
for the days of revelation
and restitution to begin...
while we wait
to ignite our folded up dreams
and fire up our old hopes
perhaps there is time
to engage in the ancient practice
of simply sitting around the fire
and listening ourselves and one another
into wholeness
while we wait
for the glory days
and paybacks long overdue...
while we wait
in the shadow of a new day dawning...
while we wait for the celebration
that will burst forth when
the world is set aright
perhaps it would be good and wise
to set a place at today’s table
where those who will do the work
can be fed
since we are those people
perhaps right here
around these sturdy tables
and glowing campfires
and sacred spaces
and living rooms everywhere
right now is a good time
to engage in conversations that matter
to speak of possibilities
to give language to our hopes
and with our words
to begin to BE THE CHANGE
we wish to see

≈ from the heart, mind, and pen of Minx
© 2009 Minx Boren.  All rights reserved.

Kavita Ramdas: Let's play a different game

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

"As my husband often says, people don't realize that when the women's revolution is complete, both men and women will have more opportunities, free from stereotypical expectations about what they can and cannot do. Of course, that is very scary, because it's a dramatic departure from what we have right now, but it's also very exciting."

The moststriking thing about the international women's movement is that it isn't an anti-male movement. We've gone beyond asking to be allowed to play the game, because we've realized that the game we're all playing is a terribly unfair one where people get hurt. So women activists are saying, 'Let's play a different game.' We're asking, 'What is the world that we want to see for ourselves, women and men, and our children?'

My VisionHolder Interview (2/2) with Kavita Ramdas, President and Chief Executive Officer, Global Fund for Women, was a conversation with a person dedicated to leaving a profound legacy for the world. The Global Fund for Women is a nonprofit grantmaking foundation that advances women's human rights worldwide.

But they are not just about women!

Kavita is clear that a new "game" should be created. One in which men and women are treated with equal dignity, and acknowledged for their wisdom and contribution. The failure to include 50% of the population is a failure of vision, but also an economic and democratic failure.

I asked Kavita WHY she has devoted her life to this work, FOR THE SAKE OF WHAT?, and,
Looking out 10 years, how will you know GFW has been successful?
she responded:

For the sake of what?
Hope: Connections being made all over the world: Hope for global community
Being a great mentor. The best mentors are those who push you off the edge. One of her mentors encouraged her to take the GFW job, saying, "Unless you take a risk you will not find what  you are really hear to do."
My husband also challenged me in the best ways—he really believed in me.
Courage was required.

Looking out 10 years, how will you know GFW has been successful?
UN: commitment to gender equality among all members and all member states.
Follow-up to Beijing conference 15 years ago. Countries are afraid to commit to hosting because of the controversial platform involving equality of women.
US as global leader in gender parity, women's human rights
Military budgets slashed in ½. So much of the earth’s resources flow to the miliatry vs. true sustainablilty, building up human capital resources.
Change the paradigm of giving: Less than 7% of all giving in US focuses on supporting girls and women’s rights.

Many thanks to Kavita for her inspiration, courage and love.

The Compromise Trap: 1/19 VisionHolder Interview

Photo credit: craig neal

Photo credit: craig neal

The Compromise Trap: How to Thrive at Work Without Selling Your Soul with Elizabeth Doty, of WorkLore.

This evening's call with Elizabeth Doty was another in a wonderful series with evolutionary leaders of speaking to living a life of wholeness and integrity. Like all of our VisionHolders, Elizabeth holds a vision for a world that works not just for the individual, but for everyone. The topic of unhealthy compromise at work is VERY important to thetransformation of our organizations and the people who care about them.

The Compromise Trap helps you tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy compromise, and how to stay true to yourself and be a positive force in your organization. Some key components of the book:

Some key components of the book: the 10 Misconceptions about Compromise at work, Six Personal Foundations that bolster your courage, the 5 Positive Plays that one can take for a fulfilling life, concluding with It’s Bigger Than a Game.

Those on the call heard a compassionate real voice of experience from this Harvard MBA and former corporate manager on how to navigate the world of a commitment to reality and a commitment to integrity. She left us with an energetic question and a big vision:

How do people reconcile the contrast between what they care about as people, with the societal challenges that the organizations they work for may sometimes contribute to creating, intentionally or not?

What if each person stood up to take one small step for change and leadership? What might happen?

[Based on over fifty candid interviews with businesspeople at all levels, including vivid firsthand accounts of compromise and courage, Elizabeth details an inspiring strategy for staying true to yourself at work while contributing to your organization’s effectiveness and integrity.]

1/19/10 Heartland Network Call: 2020 Vision: Reflections on Copenhagen

Photo credit: craig neal

Photo credit: craig neal

1/19/10 Heartland Network Call
2020 Vision: Reflections on Copenhagen
Many thanks to those of you on the call. As Paul said, thank you for your kind attention and willingness to take action for a healthy climate.

Many thanks to our Conversation leaders:
Paul Thompson, One Cool Planet
Katherine Ball and Alec Neal, SeaChange Gallery

I. Learnings from Copenhagen
II. What we each can do
III. How to influence policy makers
IV. additional URLs/information

quote from JRR Tolkien (found in a Climate Magazine by the Federation of Young European Greens, Green Economics, A Youth Perspective): "It's a job that's never started that takes the longest to finish"


I. Learnings from Copenhagen
There is power in people gathering and connecting. There is power in learning how to create global connections that can affect global change.
Leaders can only lead as fast as the people can move into creating the politics and actions for new ways of being.
Participation in the conference gave me inspiration to continue to act and strengthen my individual actions around climate change.
Prince Charles, spoke as an advocate for rainforests, talking to the world leaders. His call to action: 20 years from now will our children ask, “what did you do?”  

II. What we each can do sign up for a simple way to monitor your gas and electric usage and receive incentives for lowering your emissions

Mexico City Peoples’ Climate Summit: let’s all bike together to the Summit. Katherine and Paul are exploring how this will happen.
Bike whenever you can.
Figure out a way to green your house and/or lifestyle. Eating less meat is a great start.
Organize your neighborhood.
Build a community garden.
Compost bins – wind turbines – solar panels
Build a bio swale on your boulevard
Turn your toilet tank into a garden

Activate love as the guiding principle (listened to Martin Luther King yesterday)
Build relationships that are strong and support everyday lives. Have a solid foundation to go out and do the bigger things. Support us in the essential conversations that need to happen.
This is the conversation of my life—I want to have kids— there is a lot of work to be done to focus on love and where that guides me. And showing up. Just showing up.

Harness the new powers of being able to communicate with one another; with global conversations affecting local action.

There are over 6BB people on the planet, more connected than ever. Most are at the same place economically, striving for the same thing: good quality of life, freedom from oppression, healthy environment. How can we harness the technologies of communication and healing and bring those people together the common cause of social justice?

III. How to influence policy makers
Catalyzing investment in a low-carbon economy. Encourage and support businesses to change toward a green economy. Shine a light on the positive changes.
Acts of non-violent civil disobedience with a focused message.

New media tactic: The Yes Men
A genderless, loose-knit association of some 300 impostors worldwide who agree their way into the fortified compounds of commerce, ask questions, ...

get a critical mass together: Organize bicycle rides, marches, mass actions

Campaign finance reform

Stop talking/take action
December: come to Mexico City Climate Change Summit

IV. Other URLs/information
Mexico City Peoples’ Climate Summit: A formal date for the 2010 conference has yet to be set.

Lessons From the Copenhagen Climate Talks

Progressive Democrats of America: environmental issues policy

Video on banner-making:
>NEXT CALL: 2/16  Register here

Eckhart Tolle on “Awakened Doing”

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

(From The New Earth, p 293)

Awakened doing is the outer aspect of the next stage in the evolution of consciousness on our planet. The closer we get to the end of our present evolutionary stage, the more dysfunctional the ego [our collective ego or dominant worldview] becomes, in the same way that a caterpillar becomes dysfunctional just before it transforms into a butterfly. But the new consciousness is arising even as the old is dissolving.

We are in the midst of a momentous event in the evolution of human consciousness, but they won’t be talking about it on the news tonight.

On our planet consciousness is awakening from the dream of form. Consciousness can now begin to create form without losing itself in it.

Awakened doing is the alignment of your outer purpose—what you do—with your inner purpose—awakening and staying awake. Through awakened doing, you become one with the outgoing purpose of the universe. Consciousness flows through you into this world. It flows into your thoughts and inspires them. It flows into what you do and guides and empowers it.

Not what you do, but how you do what you do determines whether you are fulfilling your destiny. And how you do what you do is determined by your state of consciousness.

The road to Copenhagen

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

Read about Heartland community member Paul Thompson and his road to Copenhagen in this morning's edition of the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Nowadays, Paul Thompson lists his occupation as "climate changer."

Interviewing the retired Minneapolis teacher, you don't really have to ask questions. Mention climate change and he's off, memories and opinions bouncing from south Minneapolis to New Guinea to the Maldives, talking of green living and floods and biodigestion.

"It's all so intricately interwoven, and all of it revolves around having a healthy planet," he said. "It's about fulfilling the promise of what it means to be alive."

This week, Thompson, 61, has carried his enthusiasm to Copenhagen, where he is an official delegate to the United Nations Climate Change Conference. The meeting started Monday and runs through Dec. 18. He's there not only as a representative of Edina's Energy and Environment Commission but also because of connections to a group called ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, which made him a conference delegate.

Paul Strickland, to Represent Heartland at Global Spiritual Gathering in Australia

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

“There can be no peace among nations without peace among religions and no peace among religions without dialogue.”  ~Hans Kung~

Heartland member Paul Strickland from Minneapolis will represent Heartland at the Council of the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne, Australia December 3-9, 2009. The Council is the world’s largest inter-religious gathering with over 10,000 participants from more than 80 countries. The first Parliament was held in Chicago in 1893. Since 1993, a Parliament has been held every five years: 1993-Chicago, 1999-Cape Town, 2004-Barcelona.

His blog will report Paul’s reflections on Council activities and his trip. As an emissary for Heartland, he will be making global contacts and raising awareness of the Art of Convening™ and Heartland’s vision of convening and supporting evolutionary leaders who are committed to creating a world that serves the well being of all. Paul is a Thought Leader Gathering™ member, a graduate of the core and advanced Art of Convening™ training, and a Heartland Mens Wilderness Journey™ participant .

Collective Wisdom, the movement: 11/19 VH Call, 12/4 TLG, 1/8 TLG

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

We're honored to welcome Alan Briskinand the book that is the beginning of a movement that will bring wholeness and sustainability to our communities and organizations: The Power of Collective Wisdom and the Trap of Collective Folly. Alan was our November VisionHolder Interview and is our Conversation Starter for both the December and January Thought Leader Gatherings.

Listen to Alan's VisionHolder Call from November 19!

What enables us to collectively make wise decisions and sound judgments instead of splintering apart? When human beings gather together a depth of awareness and insight, a transcendent knowing, becomes available.  We have the potential to tap into an extraordinary co-creative power that exists in every group.  How can we do this more reliably?

Collective wisdom refers to knowledge and insight gained through group and community interaction. At a deeper level, however, it is about our living connection to each other and the interdependence we share in our neighborhoods, organizations, and world community.

Based on nine years of research The Power of Collective Wisdom shows how we can reliably tap into the extraordinary co-creative potential that exists whenever human beings gather together. Stories and historical examples illustrate how collective wisdom has emerged in a range of cultures, settings and traditions, and we offer a set of practices to help readers realize the key lessons of the book. Equally important, the book describes how to recognize the pitfalls of polarization or false agreement that lead to collective folly. Ultimately, this work emerges from a deep conviction that we all have a stake in each other and that what binds us together can be greater than what drives us apart.

We see our efforts as part of a larger social movement. Everywhere we look, we see groups, networks, and communities rising up to address common challenges. What all of us share is a collective outlook and a desire for wise action. We seek what human beings have always sought: to find what is best in ourselves and what is best in and for the group.

What a wonderful conversation to be engaged in. Please join us by listening to the VisionHolder Interview, attending a TLG, commenting on this post, contacting Alan.

-Patricia & Craig

The Real Work

photo credit: craig neal

photo credit: craig neal

The Real Work

It may be that when we no longer know what to do
we have come to our real work,

and that when we no longer know which way to go
we have come to our real journey.

The mind that is not baffled is not employed.

The impeded stream is the one that sings.

~ Wendell Berry ~